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log Bayes Factor = 0.00183226
Chromosome 5   position 131,744,574  (GRCh37) Explore rs1016988 on Ensembl!
Variant rs1016988 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

Hospitalization Episode Statistics (HES)

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
C18.9 Colon, unspecified
0.000 0.857 0.143
C18 Malignant neoplasm of colon
0.000 0.859 0.141
C18.5 Splenic flexure
0.000 0.870 0.130
C18.1 Appendix
0.000 0.870 0.130
C18.4 Transverse colon
0.000 0.875 0.125
C18.7 Sigmoid colon
0.000 0.875 0.125
C18.3 Hepatic flexure
0.000 0.876 0.124
C18.8 Overlapping lesion of colon
0.000 0.899 0.101
C18.6 Descending colon
0.000 0.906 0.094
C18.2 Ascending colon
0.000 0.916 0.084
C18.0 Caecum
0.000 0.945 0.055
C16.0 Cardia
0.022 0.978 0.000
H16.0 Corneal ulcer
0.021 0.979 0.000
H16 Keratitis
0.021 0.979 0.000
H16.9 Keratitis, unspecified
0.019 0.981 0.000
H15-H22 Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body
0.018 0.982 0.000
H20 Iridocyclitis
0.017 0.983 0.000
H16.4 Corneal neovascularisation
0.017 0.983 0.000
H20.9 Iridocyclitis, unspecified
0.016 0.984 0.000
C16 Malignant neoplasm of stomach
0.016 0.984 0.000
H16.2 Keratoconjunctivitis
0.015 0.985 0.000
H16.8 Other keratitis
0.015 0.985 0.000
H16.3 Interstitial and deep keratitis
0.015 0.985 0.000
H16.1 Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis
0.015 0.985 0.000
H20.8 Other iridocyclitis
0.014 0.985 0.000
H22 Disorders of iris and ciliary body in diseases classified elsewhere
0.014 0.986 0.000
H17 Corneal scars and opacities
0.014 0.986 0.000
H15 Disorders of sclera
0.014 0.986 0.000
H18 Other disorders of cornea
0.014 0.986 0.000
C16.4 Pylorus
0.014 0.986 0.000
H19 Disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere
0.013 0.987 0.000
C16.6 Greater curvature of stomach, unspecified
0.013 0.987 0.000
H20.1 Chronic iridocyclitis
0.013 0.987 0.000
C16.5 Lesser curvature of stomach, unspecified
0.013 0.987 0.000
C16.2 Body of stomach
0.013 0.987 0.000
H20.2 Lens-induced iridocyclitis
0.013 0.987 0.000
C16.3 Pyloric antrum
0.012 0.988 0.000
H17.9 Corneal scar and opacity, unspecified
0.012 0.988 0.000
C16.1 Fundus of stomach
0.012 0.988 0.000
H18.6 Keratoconus
0.012 0.988 0.000
H22.1 Iridocyclitis in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.012 0.988 0.000
C16.8 Overlapping lesion of stomach
0.012 0.988 0.000
H18.5 Hereditary corneal dystrophies
0.012 0.988 0.000
H15.8 Other disorders of sclera
0.011 0.988 0.000
H18.9 Disorder of cornea, unspecified
0.011 0.989 0.000
R72 Abnormality of white blood cells, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.989 0.011
H20.0 Acute and subacute iridocyclitis
0.011 0.989 0.000
H18.1 Bullous keratopathy
0.011 0.989 0.000
H21 Other disorders of iris and ciliary body
0.011 0.989 0.000
H19.1 Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis
0.011 0.989 0.000
H22.8 Other disorders of iris and ciliary body in diseases classified elsewhere
0.010 0.989 0.000
H22.0 Iridocyclitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.010 0.989 0.000
H17.1 Other central corneal opacity
0.010 0.990 0.000
H17.0 Adherent leukoma
0.010 0.990 0.000
H15.9 Disorder of sclera, unspecified
0.010 0.990 0.000
H15.0 Scleritis
0.010 0.990 0.000
H18.7 Other corneal deformities
0.010 0.990 0.000
H18.3 Changes in corneal membranes
0.010 0.990 0.000
H15.1 Episcleritis
0.010 0.990 0.000
C16.9 Stomach, unspecified
0.010 0.990 0.000
H18.0 Corneal pigmentations and deposits
0.010 0.990 0.000
H19.8 Other disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere
0.010 0.990 0.000
H19.2 Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.010 0.990 0.000
H19.0 Scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere
0.010 0.990 0.000
H18.4 Corneal degeneration
0.010 0.990 0.000
H19.3 Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.009 0.991 0.000
H17.8 Other corneal scars and opacities
0.009 0.991 0.000
H21.2 Degeneration of iris and ciliary body
0.009 0.991 0.000
H18.8 Other specified disorders of cornea
0.008 0.991 0.000
H18.2 Other corneal oedema
0.008 0.992 0.000
H21.4 Pupillary membranes
0.008 0.992 0.000
H21.3 Cyst of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber
0.008 0.992 0.000
H21.9 Disorder of iris and ciliary body, unspecified
0.008 0.992 0.000
H21.1 Other vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body
0.008 0.992 0.000
H21.5 Other adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body
0.007 0.992 0.000
H21.0 Hyphaema
0.007 0.993 0.000
G00-G09 Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
0.000 0.993 0.007
G04.9 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified
0.000 0.994 0.006
G04 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis
0.000 0.994 0.006
S42.20 Fracture of upper end of humerus (closed)
0.000 0.994 0.006
G09 Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of central nervous system
0.000 0.994 0.006
D86.0 Sarcoidosis of lung
0.006 0.994 0.000
S42.30 Fracture of shaft of humerus (closed)
0.000 0.994 0.006
G08 Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
0.000 0.994 0.006
G06 Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma
0.000 0.994 0.006
G00 Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.994 0.006
G01 Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.994 0.006
G03 Meningitis due to other and unspecified causes
0.000 0.994 0.006
H21.8 Other specified disorders of iris and ciliary body
0.006 0.994 0.000
S42.2 Fracture of upper end of humerus
0.000 0.994 0.006
I82.8 Embolism and thrombosis of other specified veins
0.006 0.994 0.000
S42.3 Fracture of shaft of humerus
0.000 0.995 0.005
M10.96 Gout, unspecified (Lower leg)
0.005 0.995 0.000
G02 Meningitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.995 0.005
S42 Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
0.000 0.995 0.005
G03.9 Meningitis, unspecified
0.000 0.995 0.005
G06.0 Intracranial abscess and granuloma
0.000 0.995 0.005
D86 Sarcoidosis
0.005 0.995 0.000
G07 Intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.995 0.005
M10.99 Gout, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.005 0.995 0.000
G00.9 Bacterial meningitis, unspecified
0.000 0.995 0.005
D86.1 Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
0.005 0.995 0.000
G04.2 Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.995 0.005
G04.1 Tropical spastic paraplegia
0.000 0.995 0.005
G04.0 Acute disseminated encephalitis
0.000 0.995 0.005
M10.9 Gout, unspecified
0.005 0.995 0.000
G04.8 Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis
0.000 0.995 0.005
G00.1 Pneumococcal meningitis
0.000 0.995 0.005
S42.9 Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified
0.000 0.995 0.005
G06.1 Intraspinal abscess and granuloma
0.000 0.995 0.005
R70-R79 Abnormal findings on examination of blood, without diagnosis
0.000 0.995 0.005
S42.90 Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified (closed)
0.000 0.995 0.004
G05 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.995 0.004
G00.8 Other bacterial meningitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
G00.3 Staphylococcal meningitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
G00.2 Streptococcal meningitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
G00.0 Haemophilus meningitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
G06.2 Extradural and subdural abscess, unspecified
0.000 0.996 0.004
M10.93 Gout, unspecified (Forearm)
0.004 0.996 0.000
C53.9 Cervix uteri, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
G03.8 Meningitis due to other specified causes
0.000 0.996 0.004
G03.2 Benign recurrent meningitis [Mollaret]
0.000 0.996 0.004
G03.1 Chronic meningitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
G03.0 Nonpyogenic meningitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.0 Fracture of clavicle
0.000 0.996 0.004
I82.2 Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava
0.004 0.996 0.000
S42.21 Fracture of upper end of humerus (open)
0.000 0.996 0.004
H00.1 Chalazion
0.000 0.996 0.004
R74.8 Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes
0.000 0.996 0.004
G02.0 Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.31 Fracture of shaft of humerus (open)
0.000 0.996 0.004
R76 Other abnormal immunological findings in serum
0.000 0.996 0.004
M10.90 Gout, unspecified (Multiple sites)
0.004 0.996 0.000
R74 Abnormal serum enzyme levels
0.000 0.996 0.004
I82 Other venous embolism and thrombosis
0.004 0.996 0.000
S61.1 Open wound of finger(s) with damage to nail
0.000 0.996 0.004
G02.8 Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.996 0.004
G02.1 Meningitis in mycoses
0.000 0.996 0.004
Y42.5 Other oestrogens and progestogens
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.1 Fracture of scapula
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.8 Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm
0.000 0.996 0.004
D86.3 Sarcoidosis of skin
0.004 0.996 0.000
D86.2 Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
0.004 0.996 0.000
R76.0 Raised antibody titer
0.000 0.996 0.004
D86.9 Sarcoidosis, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
D86.8 Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites
0.004 0.996 0.000
M10.98 Gout, unspecified (Other)
0.004 0.996 0.000
M10.95 Gout, unspecified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.004 0.996 0.000
M10.92 Gout, unspecified (Upper arm)
0.004 0.996 0.000
M10.91 Gout, unspecified (Shoulder region)
0.004 0.996 0.000
S42.7 Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula and humerus
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.00 Fracture of clavicle (closed)
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.91 Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified (open)
0.000 0.996 0.004
R75 Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]
0.000 0.996 0.003
R71 Abnormality of red blood cells
0.000 0.996 0.004
S42.4 Fracture of lower end of humerus
0.000 0.996 0.003
M10.94 Gout, unspecified (Hand)
0.003 0.996 0.000
G05.8 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.996 0.003
G05.2 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.996 0.003
G05.0 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.996 0.003
E04.9 Non-toxic goitre, unspecified
0.000 0.996 0.004
C90.0 Multiple myeloma
0.003 0.997 0.000
I82.3 Embolism and thrombosis of renal vein
0.003 0.997 0.000
Y85.0 Sequelae of motor-vehicle accident
0.003 0.997 0.000
E05.9 Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
R77 Other abnormalities of plasma proteins
0.000 0.997 0.003
S42.01 Fracture of clavicle (open)
0.000 0.997 0.003
R76.8 Other specified abnormal immunological findings in serum
0.000 0.997 0.003
R78 Findings of drugs and other substances, not normally found in blood
0.000 0.997 0.003
R76.9 Abnormal immunological finding in serum, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
R76.2 False-positive serological test for syphilis
0.000 0.997 0.003
R76.1 Abnormal reaction to tuberculin test
0.000 0.997 0.003
R74.9 Abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme
0.000 0.997 0.003
S72.00 Fracture of neck of femur (closed)
0.000 0.997 0.003
R79.8 Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry
0.000 0.997 0.003
I82.1 Thrombophlebitis migrans
0.003 0.997 0.000
I82.0 Budd-Chiari syndrome
0.003 0.997 0.000
X41.9 Unspecified place
0.003 0.997 0.000
Q23.1 Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve
0.000 0.997 0.003
X41.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.003 0.997 0.000
S42.11 Fracture of scapula (open)
0.000 0.997 0.003
S42.81 Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm (open)
0.000 0.997 0.003
S42.80 Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm (closed)
0.000 0.997 0.003
S42.10 Fracture of scapula (closed)
0.000 0.997 0.003
X41 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, anti-Parkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
Y52.4 Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
0.003 0.997 0.000
S42.41 Fracture of lower end of humerus (open)
0.000 0.997 0.003
X49.9 Unspecified place
0.003 0.997 0.000
D89 Other disorders involving the immune mechanism, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
I82.9 Embolism and thrombosis of unspecified vein
0.003 0.997 0.000
C53 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
0.003 0.997 0.000
S42.71 Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula and humerus (open)
0.000 0.997 0.003
R79 Other abnormal findings of blood chemistry
0.000 0.997 0.003
D89.2 Hypergammaglobulinaemia, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
G05.1 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.997 0.003
M10.97 Gout, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.003 0.997 0.000
D80-D89 Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
0.003 0.997 0.000
H57.1 Ocular pain
0.003 0.997 0.000
R70 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and abnormality of plasma viscosity
0.000 0.997 0.003
E05.0 Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goitre
0.000 0.997 0.003
R73 Elevated blood glucose level
0.000 0.997 0.003
S02.40 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones (closed)
0.003 0.997 0.000
M10 Gout
0.003 0.997 0.000
S42.70 Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula and humerus (closed)
0.000 0.997 0.003
R74.0 Elevation of levels of transaminase and lactic acid dehydrogenase [LDH]
0.000 0.997 0.002
R77.2 Abnormality of alphafetoprotein
0.000 0.997 0.003
R77.1 Abnormality of globulin
0.000 0.997 0.003
R77.0 Abnormality of albumin
0.000 0.997 0.003
M77.12 Lateral epicondylitis (Upper arm)
0.000 0.997 0.003
S06.60 Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage (without open intracranial wound)
0.000 0.997 0.003
H43.3 Other vitreous opacities
0.003 0.997 0.000
R78.9 Finding of unspecified substance, not normally found in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.8 Finding of other specified substances, not normally found in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.7 Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.6 Finding of steroid agent in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.5 Finding of psychotropic drug in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.4 Finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.3 Finding of hallucinogen in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.2 Finding of cocaine in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
R78.1 Finding of opiate drug in blood
0.000 0.997 0.002
E05 Thyrotoxicosis [hyperthyroidism]
0.000 0.997 0.003
D89.0 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia
0.003 0.997 0.000
R77.9 Abnormality of plasma protein, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.002
R77.8 Other specified abnormalities of plasma proteins
0.000 0.997 0.002
X49 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances
0.003 0.997 0.000
D05.1 Intraductal carcinoma in situ
0.003 0.997 0.000
T83.4 Mechanical complication of other prosthetic devices, implants and grafts in genital tract
0.000 0.997 0.003
D89.9 Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified
0.002 0.997 0.000
T83.0 Mechanical complication of urinary (indwelling) catheter
0.000 0.997 0.003
X41.0 Home
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.8 Other specified place
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.7 Farm
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.6 Industrial and construction area
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.5 Trade and service area
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.4 Street and highway
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.3 Sports and athletics area
0.002 0.997 0.000
X41.1 Residential institution
0.002 0.997 0.000
C54.9 Corpus uteri, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
D89.8 Other specified disorders involving the immune mechanism, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
D89.3 Immune reconstitution syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
D89.1 Cryoglobulinaemia
0.002 0.998 0.000
H59.8 Other postprocedural disorders of eye and adnexa
0.002 0.998 0.000
R78.0 Finding of alcohol in blood
0.000 0.998 0.002
C53.8 Overlapping lesion of cervix uteri
0.002 0.998 0.000
C53.1 Exocervix
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z96.8 Presence of other specified functional implants
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q23 Congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
0.000 0.998 0.002
C53.0 Endocervix
0.002 0.998 0.000
S61.9 Open wound of wrist and hand, part unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
D82 Immunodeficiency associated with other major defects
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81 Combined immunodeficiencies
0.002 0.998 0.000
X40-X49 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances
0.002 0.998 0.000
G58.8 Other specified mononeuropathies
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.4 Other secondary gout
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.3 Gout due to impairment of renal function
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.2 Drug-induced gout
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.1 Lead-induced gout
0.002 0.998 0.000
D84 Other immunodeficiencies
0.002 0.998 0.000
R73.0 Abnormal glucose tolerance test
0.000 0.998 0.002
M10.0 Idiopathic gout
0.002 0.998 0.000
C78.2 Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q28.2 Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
0.000 0.998 0.002
R00.8 Other and unspecified abnormalities of heart beat
0.002 0.998 0.000
T83.3 Mechanical complication of intra-uterine contraceptive device
0.000 0.998 0.002
D83 Common variable immunodeficiency
0.002 0.998 0.000
E05.5 Thyroid crisis or storm
0.000 0.998 0.002
E05.4 Thyrotoxicosis factitia
0.000 0.998 0.002
E05.3 Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue
0.000 0.998 0.002
E05.1 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule
0.000 0.998 0.002
K62.4 Stenosis of anus and rectum
0.000 0.998 0.002
M14.6 Neuropathic arthropathy
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80 Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects
0.002 0.998 0.000
T83 Complications of genito-urinary prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
0.000 0.998 0.002
M11.26 Other chondrocalcinosis (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
J03.9 Acute tonsillitis, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
R70.1 Abnormal plasma viscosity
0.000 0.998 0.002
X49.4 Street and highway
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.0 Home
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.8 Other specified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.7 Farm
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.6 Industrial and construction area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.5 Trade and service area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.3 Sports and athletics area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.1 Residential institution
0.002 0.998 0.000
N19 Unspecified renal failure
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system
0.002 0.998 0.000
E05.2 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goitre
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q21.1 Atrial septal defect
0.000 0.998 0.002
T83.6 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device, implant and graft in genital tract
0.000 0.998 0.002
X41.08 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified , Home ,While engaged in other specified activities
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.0 Home
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
N50.1 Vascular disorders of male genital organs
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q23.0 Congenital stenosis of aortic valve
0.000 0.998 0.002
S72.0 Fracture of neck of femur
0.000 0.998 0.002
T83.9 Unspecified complication of genito-urinary prosthetic device, implant and graft
0.000 0.998 0.002
N76.0 Acute vaginitis
0.000 0.998 0.002
H59 Postprocedural disorders of eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
S62.61 Fracture of other finger (open)
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q21.0 Ventricular septal defect
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q23.9 Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q23.8 Other congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q23.4 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q23.3 Congenital mitral insufficiency
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q23.2 Congenital mitral stenosis
0.000 0.998 0.002
T83.1 Mechanical complication of other urinary devices and implants
0.000 0.998 0.002
E53.8 Deficiency of other specified B group vitamins
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.9 Combined immunodeficiency, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.8 Other combined immunodeficiencies
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.7 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.6 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.5 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase [PNP] deficiency
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.4 Nezelof's syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.3 Adenosine deaminase [ADA] deficiency
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.2 Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with low or normal B-cell numbers
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.1 Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with low T- and B-cell numbers
0.002 0.998 0.000
D81.0 Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with reticular dysgenesis
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.9 Immunodeficiency associated with major defect, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.8 Immunodeficiency associated with other specified major defects
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.4 Hyperimmunoglobulin E [IgE] syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.3 Immunodeficiency following hereditary defective response to Epstein-Barr virus
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.2 Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.1 Di George's syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
D82.0 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q21 Congenital malformations of cardiac septa
0.000 0.998 0.002
X48 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides
0.002 0.998 0.000
X46 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours
0.002 0.998 0.000
X44 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances
0.002 0.998 0.000
X40 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.2 Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin A [IgA]
0.002 0.998 0.000
X47 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours
0.002 0.998 0.000
C51-C58 Malignant neoplasms of female genital organs
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.19 Lead-induced gout (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.18 Lead-induced gout (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.17 Lead-induced gout (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.16 Lead-induced gout (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.15 Lead-induced gout (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.14 Lead-induced gout (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.13 Lead-induced gout (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.12 Lead-induced gout (Upper arm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.11 Lead-induced gout (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.10 Lead-induced gout (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.29 Drug-induced gout (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.28 Drug-induced gout (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.27 Drug-induced gout (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.26 Drug-induced gout (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.25 Drug-induced gout (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.24 Drug-induced gout (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.23 Drug-induced gout (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.22 Drug-induced gout (Upper arm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.21 Drug-induced gout (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.20 Drug-induced gout (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.39 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.38 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.37 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.36 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.35 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.34 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.33 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.32 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Upper arm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.31 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.30 Gout due to impairment of renal function (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.49 Other secondary gout (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.48 Other secondary gout (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.47 Other secondary gout (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.46 Other secondary gout (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.45 Other secondary gout (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.44 Other secondary gout (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.43 Other secondary gout (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.42 Other secondary gout (Upper arm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.41 Other secondary gout (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.40 Other secondary gout (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
R70.0 Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
0.000 0.998 0.002
H57 Other disorders of eye and adnexa
0.002 0.998 0.000
D84.8 Other specified immunodeficiencies
0.002 0.998 0.000
D84.1 Defects in the complement system
0.002 0.998 0.000
D84.0 Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect
0.002 0.998 0.000
S42.40 Fracture of lower end of humerus (closed)
0.000 0.998 0.002
E05.8 Other thyrotoxicosis
0.000 0.998 0.002
M10.09 Idiopathic gout (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.08 Idiopathic gout (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.06 Idiopathic gout (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.05 Idiopathic gout (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.04 Idiopathic gout (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.03 Idiopathic gout (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.02 Idiopathic gout (Upper arm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.01 Idiopathic gout (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.00 Idiopathic gout (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M43.06 Spondylolysis (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
D83.8 Other common variable immunodeficiencies
0.002 0.998 0.000
D83.2 Common variable immunodeficiency with autoantibodies to B- or T-cells
0.002 0.998 0.000
D83.1 Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant immunoregulatory T-cell disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
D83.0 Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant abnormalities of B-cell numbers and function
0.002 0.998 0.000
J30.4 Allergic rhinitis, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
C55 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q28 Other congenital malformations of circulatory system
0.000 0.998 0.002
T83.2 Mechanical complication of graft of urinary organ
0.000 0.998 0.002
D80.9 Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.8 Other immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.7 Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.6 Antibody deficiency with near-normal immunoglobulins or with hyperimmunoglobulinaemia
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.5 Immunodeficiency with increased immunoglobulin M [IgM]
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.4 Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin M [IgM]
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.3 Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin G [IgG] subclasses
0.002 0.998 0.000
D80.0 Hereditary hypogammaglobulinaemia
0.002 0.998 0.000
I50.0 Congestive heart failure
0.002 0.998 0.000
M11.2 Other chondrocalcinosis
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.9 Unspecified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.8 Other specified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.7 Farm
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.6 Industrial and construction area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.5 Trade and service area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.4 Street and highway
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.3 Sports and athletics area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X43.1 Residential institution
0.002 0.998 0.000
C54 Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri
0.002 0.998 0.000
M10.07 Idiopathic gout (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.09 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances; Home; During unspecified activity
0.002 0.998 0.000
X49.48 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances; Street and highway;While engaged in other specified activities
0.002 0.998 0.000
D84.9 Immunodeficiency, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
T63.4 Venom of other arthropods
0.000 0.998 0.002
X45 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol
0.002 0.998 0.000
S02.4 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones
0.002 0.998 0.000
S92.20 Fracture of other tarsal bone(s) (closed)
0.002 0.998 0.000
H59.9 Postprocedural disorder of eye and adnexa, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
R25.2 Cramp and spasm
0.000 0.998 0.002
R25.1 Tremor, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
C90 Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y85 Sequelae of transport accidents
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.9 Unspecified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.0 Home
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.8 Other specified place
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.7 Farm
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.6 Industrial and construction area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.5 Trade and service area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.4 Street and highway
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.3 Sports and athletics area
0.002 0.998 0.000
X42.1 Residential institution
0.002 0.998 0.000
C57 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs
0.002 0.998 0.000
J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold]
0.000 0.998 0.002
S72.01 Fracture of neck of femur (open)
0.000 0.998 0.002
S72.40 Fracture of lower end of femur (closed)
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q20-Q28 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system
0.000 0.998 0.002
D48.1 Connective and other soft tissue
0.000 0.998 0.002
D83.9 Common variable immunodeficiency, unspecified
0.001 0.998 0.000
H26.8 Other specified cataract
0.002 0.998 0.000
H59.0 Vitreous syndrome following cataract surgery
0.002 0.998 0.000
V49.9 Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z93.6 Other artificial openings of urinary tract status
0.000 0.998 0.002
M14 Arthropathies in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
S02.41 Fracture of malar and maxillary bones (open)
0.002 0.998 0.000
H57.0 Anomalies of pupillary function
0.002 0.998 0.000
M19.97 Arthrosis, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
N71.1 Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q21.8 Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q21.4 Aortopulmonary septal defect
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q21.2 Atrioventricular septal defect
0.000 0.998 0.002
X40.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.0 Home
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.7 Farm
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X40.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.0 Home
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.7 Farm
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X44.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.7 Farm
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.998 0.000
X46.0 Home
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.9 Unspecified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.8 Other specified place
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.7 Farm
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.6 Industrial and construction area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.5 Trade and service area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.4 Street and highway
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.3 Sports and athletics area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.2 School, other institution and public administrative area
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.1 Residential institution
0.001 0.998 0.000
X48.0 Home
0.001 0.998 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.