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log Bayes Factor = <0.0001
Chromosome 1   position 183,852,914  (GRCh37) Explore rs10797919 on Ensembl!
Variant rs10797919 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

Hospitalization Episode Statistics (HES)

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
J03.9 Acute tonsillitis, unspecified
0.009 0.991 0.000
O36.9 Maternal care for foetal problem, unspecified
0.000 0.991 0.009
N19 Unspecified renal failure
0.000 0.993 0.007
F32.1 Moderate depressive episode
0.007 0.993 0.000
Z29.1 Prophylactic immunotherapy
0.007 0.993 0.000
R59.1 Generalised enlarged lymph nodes
0.006 0.994 0.000
Z93.0 Tracheostomy status
0.000 0.995 0.005
H53.9 Visual disturbance, unspecified
0.005 0.995 0.000
F32 Depressive episode
0.005 0.995 0.000
N92.3 Ovulation bleeding
0.000 0.995 0.005
J03 Acute tonsillitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
S40.9 Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
F32.0 Mild depressive episode
0.004 0.996 0.000
A49.8 Other bacterial infections of unspecified site
0.004 0.996 0.000
C91.1 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
0.000 0.996 0.004
G40.1 Localisation-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures
0.000 0.996 0.004
F32.8 Other depressive episodes
0.004 0.996 0.000
D07.1 Vulva
0.000 0.996 0.004
N64.1 Fat necrosis of breast
0.000 0.996 0.004
F32.3 Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms
0.004 0.996 0.000
G40.6 Grand mal seizures, unspecified (with or without petit mal)
0.000 0.996 0.004
G40 Epilepsy
0.000 0.996 0.004
F34.1 Dysthymia
0.003 0.996 0.000
F33.0 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode mild
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z29 Need for other prophylactic measures
0.003 0.997 0.000
C44.4 Skin of scalp and neck
0.003 0.997 0.000
F32.2 Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms
0.003 0.997 0.000
J03.8 Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms
0.003 0.997 0.000
J03.0 Streptococcal tonsillitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z29.0 Isolation
0.003 0.997 0.000
G40.9 Epilepsy, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
G40.2 Localisation-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures
0.000 0.997 0.003
F33 Recurrent depressive disorder
0.003 0.997 0.000
N64.8 Other specified disorders of breast
0.000 0.997 0.003
D37.5 Rectum
0.003 0.997 0.000
F34 Persistent mood [affective] disorders
0.003 0.997 0.000
G40.3 Generalised idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes
0.000 0.997 0.003
M23.49 Loose body in knee-Unspec lig/men
0.000 0.997 0.003
F33.3 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe with psychotic symptoms
0.003 0.997 0.000
G40.8 Other epilepsy
0.000 0.997 0.003
S52.00 Fracture of upper end of ulna (closed)
0.000 0.997 0.003
K40.3 Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene
0.003 0.997 0.000
K59.3 Megacolon, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.997 0.003
F33.1 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode moderate
0.003 0.997 0.000
G40.4 Other generalised epilepsy and epileptic syndromes
0.000 0.997 0.003
K55.9 Vascular disorder of intestine, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
G40.7 Petit mal, unspecified, without grand mal seizures
0.000 0.997 0.003
Z29.9 Prophylactic measure, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z46.8 Fitting and adjustment of other specified devices
0.003 0.997 0.000
N90.5 Atrophy of vulva
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z13.1 Special screening examination for diabetes mellitus
0.000 0.997 0.003
F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders
0.003 0.997 0.000
N64.9 Disorder of breast, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
A49 Bacterial infection of unspecified site
0.003 0.997 0.000
M23.86 Other internal derangements of knee (Other and unspecified lateral meniscus)
0.003 0.997 0.000
A49.1 Streptococcal infection, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
F33.8 Other recurrent depressive disorders
0.002 0.997 0.000
S72.10 Pertrochanteric fracture (closed)
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z95.4 Presence of other heart-valve replacement
0.000 0.997 0.003
F33.2 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe without psychotic symptoms
0.002 0.998 0.000
G40.0 Localisation-related (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localised onset
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z29.8 Other specified prophylactic measures
0.002 0.998 0.000
F34.9 Persistent mood [affective] disorder, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
F34.8 Other persistent mood [affective] disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
N64 Other disorders of breast
0.000 0.998 0.002
S39.9 Unspecified injury of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.002 0.998 0.000
A49.9 Bacterial infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
F34.0 Cyclothymia
0.002 0.998 0.000
G40.5 Special epileptic syndromes
0.000 0.998 0.002
M60.99 Myositis, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C91.0 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
M60.9 Myositis, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
A49.2 Haemophilus influenzae infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
C91 Lymphoid leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
D45 Polycythaemia vera
0.002 0.998 0.000
F33.4 Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission
0.002 0.998 0.000
S43.0 Dislocation of shoulder joint
0.000 0.998 0.002
M70.22 Olecranon bursitis-Upper arm
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.95 Myositis, unspecified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
G04.9 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
D07 Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified genital organs
0.000 0.998 0.002
M60.90 Myositis, unspecified (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z35.9 Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.16 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.15 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.14 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
F38 Other mood [affective] disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
A49.3 Mycoplasma infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
R16.1 Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z35.1 Supervision of pregnancy with history of abortive outcome
0.002 0.998 0.000
N49.2 Inflammatory disorders of scrotum
0.002 0.998 0.000
M23.84 Other internal derangements of knee (Lateral collateral ligament or Anterior horn of lateral meniscus)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.96 Myositis, unspecified (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
G04.8 Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis
0.000 0.998 0.002
M84.1 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis]
0.002 0.998 0.000
S50.9 Superficial injury of forearm, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.1 Pertrochanteric fracture
0.002 0.998 0.000
N64.2 Atrophy of breast
0.000 0.998 0.002
N64.0 Fissure and fistula of nipple
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z29.2 Other prophylactic chemotherapy
0.002 0.998 0.000
H10.9 Conjunctivitis, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
D07.2 Vagina
0.000 0.998 0.002
M84.13 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.98 Myositis, unspecified (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.97 Myositis, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.94 Myositis, unspecified (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.93 Myositis, unspecified (Forearm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.92 Myositis, unspecified (Upper arm)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.91 Myositis, unspecified (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.11 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Shoulder region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C77.9 Lymph node, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
C91.8 Mature B-cell leukaemia Burkitt-type
0.000 0.998 0.002
C91.7 Other lymphoid leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
C91.6 Prolymphocytic leukaemia of T-cell type
0.000 0.998 0.002
C91.5 Adult T-cell leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
C91.3 Prolymphocytic leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
C91.2 Subacute lymphocytic leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
S72.20 Subtrochanteric fracture (closed)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C91.9 Lymphoid leukaemia, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z35.2 Supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.90 Fracture of femur, part unspecified (closed)
0.002 0.998 0.000
D07.5 Prostate
0.000 0.998 0.002
D07.6 Other and unspecified male genital organs
0.000 0.998 0.002
D07.3 Other and unspecified female genital organs
0.000 0.998 0.002
D07.0 Endometrium
0.000 0.998 0.002
T83.8 Other complications of genito-urinary prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
0.000 0.998 0.002
F39 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder
0.002 0.998 0.000
N64.3 Galactorrhoea not associated with childbirth
0.000 0.998 0.002
S96.9 Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level
0.002 0.998 0.000
Y57.9 Drug or medicament, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
E53.8 Deficiency of other specified B group vitamins
0.002 0.998 0.000
F38.1 Other recurrent mood [affective] disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
F38.0 Other single mood [affective] disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
K50.0 Crohn's disease of small intestine
0.000 0.998 0.002
H17.9 Corneal scar and opacity, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
I08.0 Disorders of both mitral and aortic valves
0.000 0.998 0.002
F30 Manic episode
0.002 0.998 0.000
D07.4 Penis
0.000 0.998 0.002
F38.8 Other specified mood [affective] disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
H61.9 Disorder of external ear, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
I24.9 Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
S93.1 Dislocation of toe(s)
0.002 0.998 0.000
B80 Enterobiasis
0.002 0.998 0.000
H10.4 Chronic conjunctivitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
N64.4 Mastodynia
0.000 0.998 0.002
S72.2 Subtrochanteric fracture
0.002 0.998 0.000
G04 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis
0.000 0.998 0.002
H10 Conjunctivitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.19 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.10 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Multiple sites)
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.11 Pertrochanteric fracture (open)
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.9 Fracture of femur, part unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
C91.4 Hairy-cell leukaemia
0.000 0.998 0.002
G70.0 Myasthenia gravis
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60 Myositis
0.002 0.998 0.000
H01.0 Blepharitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
M54.36 Sciatica (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
H10.0 Mucopurulent conjunctivitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
I51.4 Myocarditis, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
B37.4 Candidiasis of other urogenital sites
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.2 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
R10.0 Acute abdomen
0.002 0.998 0.000
S76.4 Injury of other and unspecified muscles and tendons at thigh level
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z03.1 Observation for suspected malignant neoplasm
0.002 0.998 0.000
M60.24 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Hand)
0.002 0.998 0.000
H18.6 Keratoconus
0.002 0.998 0.000
H61.8 Other specified disorders of external ear
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z43.5 Attention to cyctostomy
0.000 0.998 0.002
S72 Fracture of femur
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.18 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Other)
0.002 0.998 0.000
D23.2 Skin of ear and external auricular canal
0.000 0.998 0.002
F33.9 Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M23.83 Other internal derangements of knee (Medial collateral ligament or Other and unspecified medial meniscus)
0.002 0.998 0.000
G97.8 Other postprocedural disorders of nervous system
0.000 0.998 0.002
T78.2 Anaphylactic shock, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
F30.1 Mania without psychotic symptoms
0.001 0.998 0.000
S72.3 Fracture of shaft of femur
0.002 0.998 0.000
N86 Erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri
0.000 0.998 0.002
S96 Injury of muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level
0.002 0.998 0.000
M23.87 Other internal derangements of knee (Capsular ligament)
0.002 0.998 0.000
D37.1 Stomach
0.002 0.998 0.000
N08.5 Glomerular disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z35.8 Supervision of other high-risk pregnancies
0.002 0.998 0.000
F30.8 Other manic episodes
0.001 0.998 0.000
S96.8 Injury of other muscles and tendons at ankle and foot level
0.001 0.998 0.000
S93 Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at ankle and foot level
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.31 Fracture of shaft of femur (open)
0.001 0.998 0.000
H10.3 Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified
0.001 0.998 0.000
H60.9 Otitis externa, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
H61.1 Non-infective disorders of pinna
0.000 0.998 0.002
K11.7 Disturbances of salivary secretion
0.000 0.998 0.002
M23.8 Other internal derangements of knee
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.21 Subtrochanteric fracture (open)
0.001 0.998 0.000
G04.1 Tropical spastic paraplegia
0.000 0.998 0.001
G04.0 Acute disseminated encephalitis
0.000 0.998 0.001
H10.8 Other conjunctivitis
0.001 0.998 0.000
H10.5 Blepharoconjunctivitis
0.001 0.998 0.000
H10.2 Other acute conjunctivitis
0.001 0.998 0.000
H10.1 Acute atopic conjunctivitis
0.001 0.998 0.000
S72.91 Fracture of femur, part unspecified (open)
0.001 0.998 0.000
D06.9 Cervix, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
K40.2 Bilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene
0.002 0.998 0.000
M20.6 Acquired deformity of toe(s), unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
N17-N19 Renal failure
0.000 0.998 0.002
I08.9 Multiple valve disease, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.001
T42.6 Other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs
0.002 0.998 0.000
M84.12 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Upper arm)
0.001 0.998 0.000
F30.2 Mania with psychotic symptoms
0.001 0.998 0.000
M60.1 Interstitial myositis
0.001 0.998 0.000
Z35 Supervision of high-risk pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
H21.1 Other vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body
0.001 0.999 0.000
S93.2 Rupture of ligaments at ankle and foot level
0.001 0.999 0.000
M13.00 Polyarthritis, unspecified (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.29 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.28 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.27 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.26 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.25 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.23 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.22 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.21 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.20 Foreign body granuloma of soft tissue, not elsewhere classified (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
D23.0 Skin of lip
0.000 0.999 0.001
I22.8 Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites
0.000 0.999 0.001
S93.3 Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of foot
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.54 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
B98.0 Helicobacter pylori [H.pylori] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
0.001 0.999 0.000
H18.0 Corneal pigmentations and deposits
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.8 Other myositis
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.5 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.7 Multiple fractures of femur
0.001 0.999 0.000
S96.1 Injury of muscle and tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level
0.001 0.999 0.000
W49.0 Home
0.000 0.999 0.001
G04.2 Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.999 0.001
H49.0 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy
0.001 0.999 0.000
S93.0 Dislocation of ankle joint
0.001 0.999 0.000
S96.0 Injury of muscle and tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.89 Other specified disorders of muscle (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.30 Fracture of shaft of femur (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.0 Infective myositis
0.001 0.999 0.000
S96.7 Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at ankle and foot level
0.001 0.999 0.000
S96.2 Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76 Injury of muscle and tendon at hip and thigh level
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.59 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
I08.2 Disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves
0.000 0.999 0.001
I84.1 Internal haemorrhoids with other complications
0.000 0.999 0.001
L43.9 Lichen planus, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
S93.4 Sprain and strain of ankle
0.001 0.999 0.000
S93.5 Sprain and strain of toe(s)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M23.85 Other internal derangements of knee (Posterior horn of lateral meniscus)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.55 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
W21.9 Unspecified place
0.000 0.999 0.001
H61 Other disorders of external ear
0.000 0.999 0.001
S62.80 Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand (closed)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S92.20 Fracture of other tarsal bone(s) (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
F30.0 Hypomania
0.001 0.999 0.000
F60.3 Emotionally unstable personality disorder
0.001 0.999 0.000
S93.6 Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.19 Interstitial myositis (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.18 Interstitial myositis (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.17 Interstitial myositis (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.16 Interstitial myositis (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.15 Interstitial myositis (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.14 Interstitial myositis (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.13 Interstitial myositis (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.12 Interstitial myositis (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.11 Interstitial myositis (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.10 Interstitial myositis (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
E61.1 Iron deficiency
0.001 0.999 0.000
F30.9 Manic episode, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
I24.0 Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction
0.000 0.999 0.001
T85.7 Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
0.000 0.999 0.001
M62.56 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M87.20 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma (Multiple sites)
0.000 0.999 0.001
Z35.7 Supervision of high-risk pregnancy due to social problems
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z35.6 Supervision of very young primigravida
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z35.3 Supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal care
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.58 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.57 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.53 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.52 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.71 Multiple fractures of femur (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.70 Multiple fractures of femur (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
G97.0 Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture
0.000 0.999 0.001
N08.3 Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus
0.000 0.999 0.001
M60.88 Other myositis (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.87 Other myositis (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.86 Other myositis (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.85 Other myositis (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.84 Other myositis (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.83 Other myositis (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.82 Other myositis (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.81 Other myositis (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.80 Other myositis (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.50 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M82.11 Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders (Shoulder region)
0.000 0.999 0.001
H11.9 Disorder of conjunctiva, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
H60.4 Cholesteatoma of external ear
0.000 0.999 0.001
J05.1 Acute epiglottitis
0.001 0.999 0.000
K86.3 Pseudocyst of pancreas
0.000 0.999 0.001
M60.09 Infective myositis (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.07 Infective myositis (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.06 Infective myositis (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.04 Infective myositis (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.03 Infective myositis (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.02 Infective myositis (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.01 Infective myositis (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.00 Infective myositis (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.08 Diastasis of muscle (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.51 Muscle wasting and atrophy, not elsewhere classified (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
G70.8 Other specified myoneural disorders
0.001 0.999 0.000
L70.0 Acne vulgaris
0.000 0.999 0.001
S72.8 Fractures of other parts of femur
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76.1 Injury of quadriceps muscle and tendon
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76.7 Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at hip and thigh level
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76.3 Injury of muscle and tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76.2 Injury of adductor muscle and tendon of thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76.0 Injury of muscle and tendon of hip
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.2 Fracture of other tarsal bone(s)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M23.82 Other internal derangements of knee (Posterior cruciate ligament or Posterior horn of medial meniscus)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.05 Infective myositis (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.70 Multiple fractures of foot (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S93.40 Sprain of unspecified ligament of ankle
0.001 0.999 0.000
D37.3 Appendix
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.0 Diastasis of muscle
0.001 0.999 0.000
N49.1 Inflammatory disorders of spermatic cord, tunica vaginalis and vas deferens
0.001 0.999 0.000
T83.4 Mechanical complication of other prosthetic devices, implants and grafts in genital tract
0.000 0.999 0.001
Z71.9 Counselling, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
E53 Deficiency of other B group vitamins
0.001 0.999 0.000
G70 Myasthenia gravis and other myoneural disorders
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62 Other disorders of muscle
0.001 0.999 0.000
M84.17 Nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
A41.5 Septicaemia due to other Gram-negative organisms
0.001 0.999 0.000
H60.1 Cellulitis of external ear
0.000 0.999 0.001
S39 Other and unspecified injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.001 0.999 0.000
S40 Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.89 Other myositis (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
E53.9 Vitamin B deficiency, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
I45.8 Other specified conduction disorders
0.000 0.999 0.001
M62.9 Disorder of muscle, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.6 Muscle strain
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.7 Multiple fractures of foot
0.001 0.999 0.000
M23.80 Other internal derangements of knee (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
H60.5 Acute otitis externa, non-infective
0.000 0.999 0.001
K11.5 Sialolithiasis
0.000 0.999 0.001
S39.0 Injury of muscle and tendon of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.001 0.999 0.000
S79.8 Other specified injuries of hip and thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
T79.8 Other early complications of trauma
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.99 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S62.00 Fracture of navicular [scaphoid] bone of hand (closed)
0.000 0.999 0.001
G97.1 Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture
0.000 0.999 0.001
S79 Other and unspecified injuries of hip and thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92 Fracture of foot, except ankle
0.001 0.999 0.000
M23.81 Other internal derangements of knee (Anterior cruciate ligament or Anterior horn of medial meniscus)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.09 Diastasis of muscle (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.07 Diastasis of muscle (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.06 Diastasis of muscle (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.05 Diastasis of muscle (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.04 Diastasis of muscle (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.03 Diastasis of muscle (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.02 Diastasis of muscle (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.01 Diastasis of muscle (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.00 Diastasis of muscle (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.82 Other specified disorders of muscle (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.81 Fractures of other parts of femur (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S76.10 Unspecified injury of quadriceps muscle, fascia and tendon
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.21 Fracture of other tarsal bone(s) (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
E53.1 Pyridoxine deficiency
0.001 0.999 0.000
E53.0 Riboflavin deficiency
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.2 Olecranon bursitis
0.001 0.999 0.000
V93.9 Unspecified watercraft
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.65 Muscle strain (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S82.00 Fracture of patella (closed)
0.000 0.999 0.001
G70.2 Congenital and developmental myasthenia
0.001 0.999 0.000
G70.1 Toxic myoneural disorders
0.001 0.999 0.000
G82.5 Tetraplegia, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
L05.9 Pilonidal cyst without abscess
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.4 Contracture of muscle
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.3 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.2 Ischaemic infarction of muscle
0.001 0.999 0.000
N08.4 Glomerular disorders in other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
0.000 0.999 0.001
N17.0 Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis
0.000 0.999 0.001
S40.7 Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.9 Fracture of foot, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
D37 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs
0.001 0.999 0.000
M60.08 Infective myositis (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.69 Muscle strain (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.68 Muscle strain (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.67 Muscle strain (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.66 Muscle strain (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.64 Muscle strain (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.63 Muscle strain (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.62 Muscle strain (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.61 Muscle strain (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.60 Muscle strain (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.98 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.97 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.96 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.95 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.94 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.93 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.92 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.91 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.90 Disorder of muscle, unspecified (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.40 Fracture of great toe (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.71 Multiple fractures of foot (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.90 Fracture of foot, unspecified (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
D33.3 Cranial nerves
0.000 0.999 0.001
S39.7 Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.001 0.999 0.000
S39.6 Injury of intra-abdominal organ(s) with pelvic organ(s)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S90.9 Superficial injury of ankle and foot, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.5 Fracture of other toe
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.3 Fracture of metatarsal bone
0.001 0.999 0.000
G97 Postprocedural disorders of nervous system, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.999 0.001
H60 Otitis externa
0.000 0.999 0.001
I08 Multiple valve diseases
0.000 0.999 0.001
S70-S79 Injuries to the hip and thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
B44.9 Aspergillosis, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
C15.5 Lower third of oesophagus
0.000 0.999 0.001
G71.0 Muscular dystrophy
0.001 0.999 0.000
H06.2 Dysthyroid exophthalmos
0.000 0.999 0.001
H13.1 Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.001 0.999 0.000
I24.1 Dressler's syndrome
0.000 0.999 0.001
K11.1 Hypertrophy of salivary gland
0.000 0.999 0.001
N17.8 Other acute renal failure
0.000 0.999 0.001
S92.4 Fracture of great toe
0.001 0.999 0.000
I24 Other acute ischaemic heart diseases
0.000 0.999 0.001
N08 Glomerular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.999 0.001
S75 Injury of blood vessels at hip and thigh level
0.001 0.999 0.000
M13.09 Polyarthritis, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.29 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.28 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.27 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.26 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.25 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.24 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.23 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.22 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.21 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.20 Ischaemic infarction of muscle (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.39 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.38 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.37 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.36 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.35 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.34 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.33 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.32 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.31 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.30 Immobility syndrome (paraplegic) (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.49 Contracture of muscle (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.48 Contracture of muscle (Other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.47 Contracture of muscle (Ankle and foot)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.46 Contracture of muscle (Lower leg)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.45 Contracture of muscle (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.44 Contracture of muscle (Hand)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.43 Contracture of muscle (Forearm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.42 Contracture of muscle (Upper arm)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.41 Contracture of muscle (Shoulder region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M62.40 Contracture of muscle (Multiple sites)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.29 Olecranon bursitis-Site unspec
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.28 Olecranon bursitis-Other
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.27 Olecranon bursitis-Ankle/Foot
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.26 Olecranon bursitis-Lower Leg
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.25 Olecranon bursitis-Pelvic/Thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.24 Olecranon bursitis-Hand
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.21 Olecranon bursitis-Shldr region
0.001 0.999 0.000
M70.20 Olecranon bursitis-Mult sites
0.001 0.999 0.000
S72.4 Fracture of lower end of femur
0.001 0.999 0.000
S75.0 Injury of femoral artery
0.001 0.999 0.000
S79.7 Multiple injuries of hip and thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z48.9 Surgical follow-up care, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
H17 Corneal scars and opacities
0.001 0.999 0.000
K40 Inguinal hernia
0.001 0.999 0.000
M48.56 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Lumbar region)
0.000 0.999 0.001
M48.54 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Thoracic region)
0.000 0.999 0.001
S92.31 Fracture of metatarsal bone (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.91 Fracture of foot, unspecified (open)
0.001 0.999 0.000
G71.1 Myotonic disorders
0.001 0.999 0.000
G97.9 Postprocedural disorder of nervous system, unspecified
0.000 0.999 0.001
G97.2 Intracranial hypotension following ventricular shunting
0.000 0.999 0.001
H13.3 Ocular pemphigoid
0.001 0.999 0.000
H18.1 Bullous keratopathy
0.001 0.999 0.000
N17.1 Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis
0.000 0.999 0.001
S52.0 Fracture of upper end of ulna
0.000 0.999 0.001
S71.0 Open wound of hip
0.001 0.999 0.000
S79.9 Unspecified injury of hip and thigh
0.001 0.999 0.000
N49 Inflammatory disorders of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
S90-S99 Injuries to the ankle and foot
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.30 Fracture of metatarsal bone (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
S92.50 Fracture of other toe (closed)
0.001 0.999 0.000
D37.4 Colon
0.001 0.999 0.000
G70.9 Myoneural disorder, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
I05.0 Mitral stenosis
0.000 0.999 0.001
N08.8 Glomerular disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.999 0.001
N08.2 Glomerular disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism
0.000 0.999 0.001
N08.1 Glomerular disorders in neoplastic diseases
0.000 0.999 0.001
N08.0 Glomerular disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.999 0.001
R16.2 Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.999 0.000
S75.9 Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip and thigh level
0.001 0.999 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.