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log Bayes Factor = 0.0681269
Chromosome 14   position 58,034,570  (GRCh37) Explore rs1508945 on Ensembl!
Variant rs1508945 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
L82 Seborrhoeic keratosis
0.061 0.939 0.000
O70.1 Second degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.000 0.941 0.059
O70 Perineal laceration during delivery
0.000 0.946 0.054
O70.2 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.000 0.954 0.046
O60-O75 Complications of labour and delivery
0.000 0.955 0.045
O68 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal stress [distress]
0.000 0.956 0.044
O68.0 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal heart rate anomaly
0.000 0.956 0.044
O70.9 Perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified
0.000 0.960 0.040
O70.0 First degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.000 0.961 0.039
O68.2 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal heart rate anomaly with meconium in amniotic fluid
0.000 0.961 0.039
O70.3 Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.000 0.961 0.038
O63 Long labour
0.000 0.962 0.038
O73 Retained placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage
0.000 0.963 0.037
L80-L99 Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.036 0.964 0.000
O63.1 Prolonged second stage (of labour)
0.000 0.964 0.036
O64 Obstructed labour due to malposition and malpresentation of foetus
0.000 0.965 0.035
O75 Other complications of labour and delivery, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.966 0.034
Z37.0 Single live birth
0.000 0.967 0.033
O74 Complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.967 0.033
O71 Other obstetric trauma
0.000 0.967 0.033
O65 Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality
0.000 0.967 0.033
O61 Failed induction of labour
0.000 0.967 0.033
O60 Preterm delivery
0.000 0.967 0.033
O68.3 Labour and delivery complicated by biochemical evidence of foetal stress
0.000 0.968 0.032
L89 Decubitus ulcer
0.032 0.968 0.000
O68.1 Labour and delivery complicated by meconium in amniotic fluid
0.000 0.969 0.031
O73.0 Retained placenta, without haemorrhage
0.000 0.969 0.031
O67 Labour and delivery complicated by intrapartum haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.970 0.030
O72 Postpartum haemorrhage
0.000 0.970 0.030
O66 Other obstructed labour
0.000 0.971 0.029
L93 Lupus erythematosus
0.029 0.971 0.000
O62 Abnormalities of forces of labour
0.000 0.971 0.029
L98 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified
0.028 0.972 0.000
O75.7 Vaginal delivery following previous Caesarean section
0.000 0.972 0.028
O64.0 Obstructed labour due to incomplete rotation of foetal head
0.000 0.972 0.028
O69 Labour and delivery complicated by umbilical cord complications
0.000 0.972 0.028
O63.2 Delayed delivery of second twin, triplet, etc.
0.000 0.972 0.027
M75.4 Impingement syndrome of shoulder
0.027 0.973 0.000
O73.1 Retained portions of placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage
0.000 0.973 0.027
L95 Vasculitis limited to skin, not elsewhere classified
0.027 0.973 0.000
O75.2 Pyrexia during labour, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.974 0.026
O63.0 Prolonged first stage (of labour)
0.000 0.974 0.026
L83 Acanthosis nigricans
0.026 0.974 0.000
L91 Hypertrophic disorders of skin
0.026 0.974 0.000
L99 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue in diseases classified elsewhere
0.026 0.974 0.000
L94 Other localised connective tissue disorders
0.026 0.974 0.000
L87 Transepidermal elimination disorders
0.026 0.974 0.000
L88 Pyoderma gangrenosum
0.026 0.974 0.000
L86 Keratoderma in diseases classified elsewhere
0.026 0.974 0.000
L80 Vitiligo
0.026 0.974 0.000
L89.1 Stage II decubitus ulcer
0.026 0.974 0.000
O64.9 Obstructed labour due to malposition and malpresentation, unspecified
0.000 0.974 0.025
O64.8 Obstructed labour due to other malposition and malpresentation
0.000 0.974 0.025
O64.5 Obstructed labour due to compound presentation
0.000 0.974 0.025
O64.4 Obstructed labour due to shoulder presentation
0.000 0.974 0.025
O64.3 Obstructed labour due to brow presentation
0.000 0.974 0.025
O64.2 Obstructed labour due to face presentation
0.000 0.974 0.025
O64.1 Obstructed labour due to breech presentation
0.000 0.974 0.025
L89.3 Stage IV decubitus ulcer
0.025 0.975 0.000
L90 Atrophic disorders of skin
0.025 0.975 0.000
L85 Other epidermal thickening
0.025 0.975 0.000
L98.8 Other specified disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.025 0.975 0.000
O68.9 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal stress, unspecified
0.000 0.975 0.025
L89.2 Stage III decubitus ulcer
0.025 0.975 0.000
L97 Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified
0.025 0.975 0.000
L84 Corns and callosities
0.025 0.975 0.000
O75.9 Complication of labour and delivery, unspecified
0.000 0.975 0.024
O75.5 Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes
0.000 0.975 0.024
O75.4 Other complications of obstetric surgery and procedures
0.000 0.975 0.024
O75.3 Other infection during labour
0.000 0.975 0.024
O75.1 Shock during or following labour and delivery
0.000 0.975 0.024
O75.0 Maternal distress during labour and delivery
0.000 0.975 0.024
O72.2 Delayed and secondary postpartum haemorrhage
0.000 0.975 0.024
L92 Granulomatous disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.024 0.976 0.000
O60.3 Preterm delivery without spontaneous labour
0.000 0.976 0.024
O60.2 Preterm spontaneous labour with term delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O60.1 Preterm spontaneous labour with preterm delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O60.0 Preterm labour without delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O61.9 Failed induction of labour, unspecified
0.000 0.976 0.024
O61.8 Other failed induction of labour
0.000 0.976 0.024
O61.1 Failed instrumental induction of labour
0.000 0.976 0.024
O61.0 Failed medical induction of labour
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.9 Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality, unspecified
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.8 Obstructed labour due to other maternal pelvic abnormalities
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.5 Obstructed labour due to abnormality of maternal pelvic organs
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.4 Obstructed labour due to foetopelvic disproportion, unspecified
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.3 Obstructed labour due to pelvic outlet and midcavity contraction
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.2 Obstructed labour due to pelvic inlet contraction
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.1 Obstructed labour due to generally contracted pelvis
0.000 0.976 0.024
O65.0 Obstructed labour due to deformed pelvis
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.9 Obstetric trauma, unspecified
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.8 Other specified obstetric trauma
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.7 Obstetric haematoma of pelvis
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.6 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.5 Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.4 Obstetric high vaginal laceration alone
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.3 Obstetric laceration of cervix
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.2 Postpartum inversion of uterus
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.1 Rupture of uterus during labour
0.000 0.976 0.024
O71.0 Rupture of uterus before onset of labour
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.9 Complication of anaesthesia during labour and delivery, unspecified
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.8 Other complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.7 Failed or difficult intubation during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.6 Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.5 Spinal and epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.4 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.3 Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.2 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.1 Other pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
O74.0 Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.000 0.976 0.024
L93.0 Discoid lupus erythematosus
0.024 0.976 0.000
L89.9 Decubitus ulcer and pressure area, unspecified
0.023 0.977 0.000
O68.8 Labour and delivery complicated by other evidence of foetal stress
0.000 0.977 0.023
Z37 Outcome of delivery
0.000 0.977 0.023
L98.4 Chronic ulcer of skin, not elsewhere classified
0.023 0.977 0.000
L90.0 Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
0.023 0.977 0.000
L98.0 Pyogenic granuloma
0.022 0.977 0.000
O75.6 Delayed delivery after spontaneous or unspecified rupture of membranes
0.000 0.978 0.022
O72.0 Third-stage haemorrhage
0.000 0.978 0.022
O67.8 Other intrapartum haemorrhage
0.000 0.978 0.022
O67.0 Intrapartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect
0.000 0.978 0.022
O72.3 Postpartum coagulation defects
0.000 0.978 0.022
O69.1 Labour and delivery complicated by cord around neck, with compression
0.000 0.978 0.022
L89.0 Stage I decubitus ulcer and pressure area
0.021 0.978 0.000
L81 Other disorders of pigmentation
0.021 0.979 0.000
O66.9 Obstructed labour, unspecified
0.000 0.979 0.021
O66.8 Other specified obstructed labour
0.000 0.979 0.021
O66.4 Failed trial of labour, unspecified
0.000 0.979 0.021
O66.3 Obstructed labour due to other abnormalities of foetus
0.000 0.979 0.021
O66.2 Obstructed labour due to unusually large foetus
0.000 0.979 0.021
O66.1 Obstructed labour due to locked twins
0.000 0.979 0.021
O75.8 Other specified complications of labour and delivery
0.000 0.979 0.021
L93.2 Other local lupus erythematosus
0.021 0.979 0.000
L93.1 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
0.021 0.979 0.000
O62.9 Abnormality of forces of labour, unspecified
0.000 0.979 0.021
O62.8 Other abnormalities of forces of labour
0.000 0.979 0.021
O62.4 Hypertonic, incoordinate and prolonged uterine contractions
0.000 0.979 0.021
O62.1 Secondary uterine inertia
0.000 0.979 0.021
O62.0 Primary inadequate contractions
0.000 0.979 0.021
L98.7 Excessive and redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.020 0.979 0.000
L98.6 Other infiltrative disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.020 0.979 0.000
L98.5 Mucinosis of skin
0.020 0.979 0.000
L98.3 Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells]
0.020 0.979 0.000
L98.2 Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis [Sweet]
0.020 0.979 0.000
L98.1 Factitial dermatitis
0.020 0.979 0.000
O69.9 Labour and delivery complicated by cord complication, unspecified
0.000 0.980 0.020
O69.5 Labour and delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord
0.000 0.980 0.020
O69.4 Labour and delivery complicated by vasa praevia
0.000 0.980 0.020
O69.3 Labour and delivery complicated by short cord
0.000 0.980 0.020
O69.0 Labour and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord
0.000 0.980 0.020
O66.5 Failed application of vacuum extractor and forceps, unspecified
0.000 0.980 0.020
L95.9 Vasculitis limited to skin, unspecified
0.020 0.980 0.000
L91.0 Keloid scar
0.020 0.980 0.000
O63.9 Long labour, unspecified
0.000 0.980 0.019
O67.9 Intrapartum haemorrhage, unspecified
0.000 0.980 0.019
O62.3 Precipitate labour
0.000 0.981 0.019
Z37.2 Twins, both liveborn
0.000 0.981 0.019
L95.8 Other vasculitis limited to skin
0.019 0.981 0.000
L95.1 Erythema elevatum diutinum
0.019 0.981 0.000
L95.0 Livedoid vasculitis
0.019 0.981 0.000
L85.8 Other specified epidermal thickening
0.019 0.981 0.000
M75 Shoulder lesions
0.019 0.981 0.000
L91.9 Hypertrophic disorder of skin, unspecified
0.019 0.981 0.000
L87.9 Transepidermal elimination disorder, unspecified
0.019 0.981 0.000
L87.8 Other transepidermal elimination disorders
0.019 0.981 0.000
L87.2 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa
0.019 0.981 0.000
L87.1 Reactive perforating collagenosis
0.019 0.981 0.000
L87.0 Keratosis follicularis et parafollicularis in cutem penetrans [Kyrle]
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.9 Localised connective tissue disorder, unspecified
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.8 Other specified localised connective tissue disorders
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.6 Ainhum
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.5 Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.4 Gottron's papules
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.3 Sclerodactyly
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.2 Calcinosis cutis
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.1 Linear scleroderma
0.019 0.981 0.000
L94.0 Localised scleroderma [morphea]
0.019 0.981 0.000
L99.8 Other specified disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue in diseases classified elsewhere
0.019 0.981 0.000
L99.0 Amyloidosis of skin
0.019 0.981 0.000
O66.0 Obstructed labour due to shoulder dystocia
0.000 0.981 0.019
O62.2 Other uterine inertia
0.000 0.981 0.018
L91.8 Other hypertrophic disorders of skin
0.018 0.982 0.000
L85.3 Xerosis cutis
0.018 0.982 0.000
L85.2 Keratosis punctata (palmaris et plantaris)
0.018 0.982 0.000
L85.1 Acquired keratosis [keratoderma] palmaris et plantaris
0.018 0.982 0.000
L85.0 Acquired ichthyosis
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.9 Atrophic disorder of skin, unspecified
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.8 Other atrophic disorders of skin
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.6 Striae atrophicae
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.4 Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.3 Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.2 Anetoderma of Jadassohn-Pellizzari
0.018 0.982 0.000
L90.1 Anetoderma of Schweninger-Buzzi
0.018 0.982 0.000
L92.8 Other granulomatous disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.017 0.982 0.000
L92.2 Granuloma faciale [eosinophilic granuloma of skin]
0.017 0.982 0.000
L92.1 Necrobiosis lipoidica, not elsewhere classified
0.017 0.982 0.000
L92.0 Granuloma annulare
0.017 0.982 0.000
L92.9 Granulomatous disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified
0.017 0.983 0.000
L81.9 Disorder of pigmentation, unspecified
0.017 0.983 0.000
O69.8 Labour and delivery complicated by other cord complications
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.9 Outcome of delivery unspecified
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.7 Other multiple births, all stillborn
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.6 Other multiple births, some liveborn
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.5 Other multiple births, all liveborn
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.4 Twins, both stillborn
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.3 Twins, one liveborn and one stillborn
0.000 0.983 0.016
Z37.1 Single stillbirth
0.000 0.983 0.016
O69.2 Labour and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement
0.000 0.983 0.016
L92.3 Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.016 0.984 0.000
M75.1 Rotator cuff syndrome
0.016 0.984 0.000
L81.8 Other specified disorders of pigmentation
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.7 Pigmented purpuric dermatosis
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.6 Other disorders of diminished melanin formation
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.5 Leukoderma, not elsewhere classified
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.3 Cafe au lait spots
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.2 Freckles
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.1 Chloasma
0.015 0.984 0.000
L81.0 Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation
0.015 0.984 0.000
L85.9 Epidermal thickening, unspecified
0.015 0.984 0.000
M75.3 Calcific tendinitis of shoulder
0.015 0.985 0.000
M75.0 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
0.015 0.985 0.000
M75.5 Bursitis of shoulder
0.015 0.985 0.000
Chapter XV Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.985 0.015
M75.8 Other shoulder lesions
0.014 0.986 0.000
M75.2 Bicipital tendinitis
0.013 0.986 0.000
M75.9 Shoulder lesion, unspecified
0.013 0.987 0.000
O72.1 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage
0.000 0.987 0.013
Chapter XII Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.012 0.988 0.000
O48 Prolonged pregnancy
0.000 0.988 0.012
O30-O48 Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems
0.000 0.988 0.012
O94-O99 Other obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.989 0.011
Y43.3 Other antineoplastic drugs
0.011 0.989 0.000
Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic diseases
0.011 0.989 0.000
O85-O92 Complications predominantly related to the puerperium
0.000 0.989 0.011
O80-O84 Delivery
0.000 0.989 0.011
L40-L45 Papulosquamous disorders
0.010 0.990 0.000
O42 Premature rupture of membranes
0.000 0.990 0.010
M75.81 Other shoulder lesions, right shoulder
0.010 0.990 0.000
A08.4 Viral intestinal infection, unspecified
0.010 0.990 0.000
O47 False labour
0.000 0.990 0.010
A00-A09 Intestinal infectious diseases
0.010 0.990 0.000
O20-O29 Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy
0.000 0.990 0.010
A08 Viral and other specified intestinal infections
0.010 0.990 0.000
B35-B49 Mycoses
0.010 0.990 0.000
L50-L54 Urticaria and erythema
0.010 0.990 0.000
Z34 Supervision of normal pregnancy
0.000 0.990 0.010
L40 Psoriasis
0.010 0.990 0.000
Y43 Primarily systemic agents
0.010 0.990 0.000
O00-O08 Pregnancy with abortive outcome
0.000 0.990 0.010
B25-B34 Other viral diseases
0.010 0.990 0.000
O30 Multiple gestation
0.000 0.990 0.010
B37 Candidiasis
0.010 0.990 0.000
O47.9 False labour, unspecified
0.000 0.990 0.010
O42.1 Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour after 24 hours
0.000 0.990 0.010
B00-B09 Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
0.009 0.990 0.000
Z30-Z39 Persons encountering health services in circumstances related to reproduction
0.000 0.990 0.009
Z34.9 Supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified
0.000 0.991 0.009
E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
0.009 0.991 0.000
Z34.8 Supervision of other normal pregnancy
0.000 0.991 0.009
B50-B64 Protozoal diseases
0.009 0.991 0.000
Y40-Y59 Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
0.009 0.991 0.000
A30-A49 Other bacterial diseases
0.009 0.991 0.000
B34 Viral infection of unspecified site
0.009 0.991 0.000
L50 Urticaria
0.009 0.991 0.000
O82 Single delivery by Caesarean section
0.000 0.991 0.009
O20 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy
0.000 0.991 0.009
E11.9 Without complications
0.009 0.991 0.000
O99 Other maternal diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.991 0.009
B37.0 Candidal stomatitis
0.009 0.991 0.000
O03 Spontaneous abortion
0.000 0.991 0.009
E11.2 With renal complications
0.009 0.991 0.000
L10-L14 Bullous disorders
0.009 0.991 0.000
E11.4 With neurological complications
0.009 0.991 0.000
B34.9 Viral infection, unspecified
0.009 0.991 0.000
A80-A89 Viral infections of the central nervous system
0.009 0.991 0.000
A04 Other bacterial intestinal infections
0.009 0.991 0.000
O30.0 Twin pregnancy
0.000 0.991 0.009
L40.5 Arthropathic psoriasis
0.009 0.991 0.000
O45 Premature separation of placenta [abruptio placentae]
0.000 0.991 0.008
O33 Maternal care for known or suspected disproportion
0.000 0.991 0.008
O31 Complications specific to multiple gestation
0.000 0.991 0.008
B90-B94 Sequelae of infectious and parasitic diseases
0.008 0.991 0.000
L50.9 Urticaria, unspecified
0.008 0.991 0.000
L40.0 Psoriasis vulgaris
0.008 0.991 0.000
O98 Maternal infectious and parasitic diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.992 0.008
O97 Death from sequelae of direct obstetric causes
0.000 0.992 0.008
O96 Death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery
0.000 0.992 0.008
O95 Obstetric death of unspecified cause
0.000 0.992 0.008
O94 Sequelae of complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.992 0.008
O40 Polyhydramnios
0.000 0.992 0.008
Y57 Other and unspecified drugs and medicaments
0.008 0.992 0.000
Y51 Drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
0.008 0.992 0.000
O42.9 Premature rupture of membranes, unspecified
0.000 0.992 0.008
O35 Maternal care for known or suspected foetal abnormality and damage
0.000 0.992 0.008
B65-B83 Helminthiases
0.008 0.992 0.000
O20.0 Threatened abortion
0.000 0.992 0.008
A50-A64 Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission
0.008 0.992 0.000
B99-B99 Other infectious diseases
0.008 0.992 0.000
B85-B89 Pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations
0.008 0.992 0.000
B20-B24 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
0.008 0.992 0.000
A92-A99 Arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral haemorrhagic fevers
0.008 0.992 0.000
A75-A79 Rickettsioses
0.008 0.992 0.000
A70-A74 Other diseases caused by chlamydiae
0.008 0.992 0.000
A65-A69 Other spirochaetal diseases
0.008 0.992 0.000
A20-A28 Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases
0.008 0.992 0.000
A15-A19 Tuberculosis
0.008 0.992 0.000
B59 Pneumocystosis
0.008 0.992 0.000
B15-B19 Viral hepatitis
0.008 0.992 0.000
Y52 Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
0.008 0.992 0.000
L60-L75 Disorders of skin appendages
0.008 0.992 0.000
A49 Bacterial infection of unspecified site
0.008 0.992 0.000
O92 Other disorders of breast and lactation associated with childbirth
0.000 0.992 0.008
O91 Infections of breast associated with childbirth
0.000 0.992 0.008
O90 Complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.992 0.008
O89 Complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
0.000 0.992 0.008
O88 Obstetric embolism
0.000 0.992 0.008
O87 Venous complications in the puerperium
0.000 0.992 0.008
O86 Other puerperal infections
0.000 0.992 0.008
O85 Puerperal sepsis
0.000 0.992 0.008
L40.9 Psoriasis, unspecified
0.008 0.992 0.000
A08.1 Acute gastro-enteropathy due to Norwalk agent
0.008 0.992 0.000
B37.1 Pulmonary candidiasis
0.008 0.992 0.000
B37.4 Candidiasis of other urogenital sites
0.008 0.992 0.000
B07 Viral warts
0.008 0.992 0.000
O03.9 Complete or unspecified, without complication
0.000 0.992 0.008
O84 Multiple delivery
0.000 0.992 0.008
O83 Other assisted single delivery
0.000 0.992 0.008
O81 Single delivery by forceps and vacuum extractor
0.000 0.992 0.008
O47.1 False labour at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation
0.000 0.992 0.008
L81.4 Other melanin hyperpigmentation
0.007 0.992 0.001
Z39 Postpartum care and examination
0.000 0.992 0.008
B37.3 Candidiasis of vulva and vagina
0.008 0.992 0.000
L44 Other papulosquamous disorders
0.008 0.992 0.000
L41 Parapsoriasis
0.008 0.992 0.000
L45 Papulosquamous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
0.008 0.992 0.000
L42 Pityriasis rosea
0.008 0.992 0.000
Y42 Hormones and their synthetic substitutes and antagonists, not elsewhere classified
0.008 0.992 0.000
A04.7 Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile
0.008 0.992 0.000
B35 Dermatophytosis
0.008 0.992 0.000
O42.2 Premature rupture of membranes, labour delayed by therapy
0.000 0.992 0.008
E11.1 With ketoacidosis
0.008 0.992 0.000
O41 Other disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes
0.000 0.992 0.008
O82.0 Delivery by elective Caesarean section
0.000 0.992 0.008
L55-L59 Radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.008 0.992 0.000
B00 Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections
0.008 0.992 0.000
O44 Placenta praevia
0.000 0.992 0.007
Y51.7 Beta-Adrenoreceptor antagonists, not elsewhere classified
0.008 0.992 0.000
O21 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
0.000 0.992 0.007
A07 Other protozoal intestinal diseases
0.007 0.992 0.000
A06 Amoebiasis
0.007 0.992 0.000
A05 Other bacterial foodborne intoxications
0.007 0.992 0.000
A03 Shigellosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
A02 Other Salmonella infections
0.007 0.992 0.000
A01 Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
0.007 0.992 0.000
A00 Cholera
0.007 0.992 0.000
O43 Placental disorders
0.000 0.992 0.007
A08.5 Other specified intestinal infections
0.007 0.992 0.000
A08.3 Other viral enteritis
0.007 0.992 0.000
A08.2 Adenoviral enteritis
0.007 0.992 0.000
A08.0 Rotaviral enteritis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B25 Cytomegaloviral disease
0.007 0.992 0.000
O29 Complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.000 0.992 0.007
O28 Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
0.000 0.992 0.007
O22 Venous complications in pregnancy
0.000 0.992 0.007
O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy
0.000 0.992 0.007
B48 Other mycoses, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.992 0.000
B47 Mycetoma
0.007 0.992 0.000
B46 Zygomycosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B45 Cryptococcosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B43 Chromomycosis and phaeomycotic abscess
0.007 0.992 0.000
B42 Sporotrichosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B41 Paracoccidioidomycosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B40 Blastomycosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B39 Histoplasmosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B38 Coccidioidomycosis
0.007 0.992 0.000
B36 Other superficial mycoses
0.007 0.992 0.000
O42.0 Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labour within 24 hours
0.000 0.993 0.007
L54 Erythema in diseases classified elsewhere
0.007 0.993 0.000
L51 Erythema multiforme
0.007 0.993 0.000
L52 Erythema nodosum
0.007 0.993 0.000
O24 Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
0.000 0.993 0.007
B49 Unspecified mycosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
Z34.0 Supervision of normal first pregnancy
0.000 0.993 0.007
L40.8 Other psoriasis
0.007 0.993 0.000
L40.4 Guttate psoriasis
0.007 0.993 0.000
L40.3 Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris
0.007 0.993 0.000
L40.2 Acrodermatitis continua
0.007 0.993 0.000
L40.1 Generalised pustular psoriasis
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.9 Primarily systemic agent, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.8 Other primarily systemic agents, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.6 Enzymes, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.5 Acidifying and alkalising agents
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.4 Immunosuppressive agents
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.2 Antineoplastic natural products
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.1 Antineoplastic antimetabolites
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y43.0 Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y57.9 Drug or medicament, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
O08 Complications following abortion and ectopic and molar pregnancy
0.000 0.993 0.007
O07 Failed attempted abortion
0.000 0.993 0.007
O06 Unspecified abortion
0.000 0.993 0.007
O05 Other abortion
0.000 0.993 0.007
O01 Hydatidiform mole
0.000 0.993 0.007
B33 Other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B30 Viral conjunctivitis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B27 Infectious mononucleosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B26 Mumps
0.007 0.993 0.000
Z31 Procreative management
0.000 0.993 0.007
L20-L30 Dermatitis and eczema
0.007 0.993 0.000
O30.9 Multiple gestation, unspecified
0.000 0.993 0.007
O30.8 Other multiple gestation
0.000 0.993 0.007
O30.2 Quadruplet pregnancy
0.000 0.993 0.007
O30.1 Triplet pregnancy
0.000 0.993 0.007
B02 Zoster [herpes zoster]
0.007 0.993 0.000
O23 Infections of genito-urinary tract in pregnancy
0.000 0.993 0.007
O99.8 Other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.993 0.007
O10-O16 Oedema, proteinuria and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.993 0.007
E11.6 With other specified complications
0.007 0.993 0.000
O99.0 Anaemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.000 0.993 0.007
L60 Nail disorders
0.007 0.993 0.000
B37.7 Candidal septicaemia
0.007 0.993 0.000
B37.6 Candidal endocarditis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B37.5 Candidal meningitis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B37.2 Candidiasis of skin and nail
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y52.1 Calcium-channel blockers
0.007 0.993 0.000
O03.4 Incomplete, without complication
0.000 0.993 0.007
B44 Aspergillosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
A87 Viral meningitis
0.007 0.993 0.000
A04.5 Campylobacter enteritis
0.007 0.993 0.000
O20.9 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified
0.000 0.993 0.007
O82.1 Delivery by emergency Caesarean section
0.000 0.993 0.007
B08 Other viral infections characterised by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B06 Rubella [German measles]
0.007 0.993 0.000
B05 Measles
0.007 0.993 0.000
B01 Varicella [chickenpox]
0.007 0.993 0.000
B09 Unspecified viral infection characterised by skin and mucous membrane lesions
0.007 0.993 0.000
B04 Monkeypox
0.007 0.993 0.000
B03 Smallpox
0.007 0.993 0.000
Z38 Liveborn infants according to place of birth
0.000 0.993 0.007
Z32 Pregnancy examination and test
0.000 0.993 0.007
Y41 Other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
0.007 0.993 0.000
E11.8 With unspecified complications
0.007 0.993 0.000
E11.7 With multiple complications
0.007 0.993 0.000
E11.0 With coma
0.007 0.993 0.000
B37.8 Candidiasis of other sites
0.007 0.993 0.000
E10-E14 Diabetes mellitus
0.007 0.993 0.000
A49.8 Other bacterial infections of unspecified site
0.007 0.993 0.000
Z39.0 Care and examination immediately after delivery
0.000 0.993 0.007
Z33 Pregnant state, incidental
0.000 0.993 0.007
B60 Other protozoal diseases, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B58 Toxoplasmosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B57 Chagas' disease
0.007 0.993 0.000
B56 African trypanosomiasis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B55 Leishmaniasis
0.007 0.993 0.000
B53 Other parasitologically confirmed malaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
B52 Plasmodium malariae malaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
B51 Plasmodium vivax malaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
B50 Plasmodium falciparum malaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
B64 Unspecified protozoal disease
0.007 0.993 0.000
B54 Unspecified malaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y59 Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y58 Bacterial vaccines
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y56 Topical agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane and ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological and dental drugs
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y55 Agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y54 Agents primarily affecting water-balance and mineral and uric acid metabolism
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y53 Agents primarily affecting the gastro-intestinal system
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y50 Central nervous system stimulants, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y49 Psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y48 Anaesthetics and therapeutic gases
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y47 Sedatives, hypnotics and antianxiety drugs
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y46 Antiepileptics and anti-Parkinsonism drugs
0.007 0.993 0.000
Y40 Systemic antibiotics
0.007 0.993 0.000
A41 Other septicaemia
0.007 0.993 0.000
A48 Other bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified
0.007 0.993 0.000
A44 Bartonellosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
A43 Nocardiosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
A42 Actinomycosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
A40 Streptococcal septicaemia
0.007 0.993 0.000
A39 Meningococcal infection
0.007 0.993 0.000
A37 Whooping cough
0.007 0.993 0.000
A36 Diphtheria
0.007 0.993 0.000
A32 Listeriosis
0.007 0.993 0.000
A31 Infection due to other mycobacteria
0.007 0.993 0.000
A30 Leprosy [Hansen's disease]
0.007 0.993 0.000
A38 Scarlet fever
0.007 0.993 0.000
A35 Other tetanus
0.007 0.993 0.000
A34 Obstetrical tetanus
0.007 0.993 0.000
A33 Tetanus neonatorum
0.007 0.993 0.000
L43 Lichen planus
0.007 0.993 0.000
O32 Maternal care for known or suspected malpresentation of foetus
0.000 0.993 0.007
B34.8 Other viral infections of unspecified site
0.007 0.993 0.000
B34.4 Papovirus infection, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B34.3 Parvovirus infection, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B34.2 Coronavirus infection, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B34.1 Enterovirus infection, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B34.0 Adenovirus infection, unspecified
0.007 0.993 0.000
B91 Sequelae of poliomyelitis
0.007 0.993 0.000
L50.8 Other urticaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
L50.6 Contact urticaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
L50.5 Cholinergic urticaria
0.007 0.993 0.000
L50.4 Vibratory urticaria
0.007 0.993 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.