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log Bayes Factor = 0.0387758
Chromosome 4   position 4,678,907  (GRCh37) Explore rs7675915 on Ensembl!
Variant rs7675915 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
J44.0 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection
0.000 0.964 0.036
J44 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
0.000 0.968 0.032
J44.9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified
0.000 0.969 0.031
J44.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation, unspecified
0.000 0.973 0.027
J43.9 Emphysema, unspecified
0.000 0.980 0.020
J44.8 Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
0.000 0.981 0.019
K21.0 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis
0.000 0.982 0.018
K51.9 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
0.000 0.983 0.017
J43 Emphysema
0.000 0.984 0.016
K51 Ulcerative colitis
0.000 0.984 0.016
K52.9 Non-infective gastro-enteritis and colitis, unspecified
0.000 0.985 0.015
K51.8 Other ulcerative colitis
0.000 0.986 0.014
J43.2 Centrilobular emphysema
0.000 0.986 0.014
K52 Other non-infective gastro-enteritis and colitis
0.000 0.986 0.014
K51.5 Mucosal proctocolitis
0.000 0.987 0.013
K51.3 Ulcerative (chronic) rectosigmoiditis
0.000 0.987 0.013
J43.8 Other emphysema
0.000 0.988 0.012
K51.2 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis
0.000 0.988 0.012
J40-J47 Chronic lower respiratory diseases
0.000 0.988 0.012
K50-K52 Noninfective enteritis and colitis
0.000 0.988 0.012
J43.1 Panlobular emphysema
0.000 0.988 0.012
J43.0 MacLeod's syndrome
0.000 0.988 0.012
K52.0 Gastro-enteritis and colitis due to radiation
0.000 0.988 0.012
K51.0 Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis
0.000 0.989 0.011
K52.2 Allergic and dietetic gastro-enteritis and colitis
0.000 0.989 0.011
L60.0 Ingrowing nail
0.011 0.989 0.000
K52.3 Indeterminate colitis
0.000 0.989 0.010
K51.1 Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis
0.000 0.990 0.010
K52.1 Toxic gastro-enteritis and colitis
0.000 0.990 0.010
J41 Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
0.000 0.991 0.009
R56.8 Other and unspecified convulsions
0.009 0.991 0.000
O70.1 Second degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.009 0.991 0.000
L60 Nail disorders
0.008 0.992 0.000
J46 Status asthmaticus
0.000 0.992 0.007
K51.4 Pseudopolyposis of colon
0.000 0.993 0.007
J41.0 Simple chronic bronchitis
0.000 0.993 0.007
O70 Perineal laceration during delivery
0.007 0.993 0.000
L60.8 Other nail disorders
0.007 0.993 0.000
I45.6 Preexcitation syndrome
0.000 0.993 0.007
J41.8 Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
0.000 0.993 0.007
J41.1 Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
0.000 0.993 0.007
N41.1 Chronic prostatitis
0.000 0.993 0.007
J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic
0.000 0.993 0.007
O70.2 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.007 0.993 0.000
L60.9 Nail disorder, unspecified
0.006 0.994 0.000
R41.8 Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness
0.006 0.994 0.000
C82.9 Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified
0.000 0.994 0.006
K01.1 Impacted teeth
0.006 0.994 0.000
I45.1 Other and unspecified right bundle-branch block
0.000 0.994 0.006
Y84.2 Radiological procedure and radiotherapy
0.000 0.994 0.006
L60.1 Onycholysis
0.006 0.994 0.000
L60.3 Nail dystrophy
0.006 0.994 0.000
O70.9 Perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified
0.006 0.994 0.000
Y84 Other medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
0.000 0.994 0.006
O60-O75 Complications of labour and delivery
0.006 0.994 0.000
L60.5 Yellow nail syndrome
0.006 0.994 0.000
L60.4 Beau's lines
0.006 0.994 0.000
J42 Unspecified chronic bronchitis
0.000 0.994 0.005
Y84.8 Other medical procedures
0.000 0.994 0.006
O62 Abnormalities of forces of labour
0.006 0.994 0.000
O66 Other obstructed labour
0.005 0.994 0.000
Y84.0 Cardiac catheterisation
0.000 0.994 0.005
I45 Other conduction disorders
0.000 0.994 0.006
Y84.4 Aspiration of fluid
0.000 0.995 0.005
O70.3 Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery
0.005 0.995 0.000
O64 Obstructed labour due to malposition and malpresentation of foetus
0.005 0.995 0.000
L60.2 Onychogryphosis
0.005 0.995 0.000
O66.0 Obstructed labour due to shoulder dystocia
0.005 0.995 0.000
L40.5 Arthropathic psoriasis
0.000 0.995 0.005
O63 Long labour
0.005 0.995 0.000
K52.8 Other specified non-infective gastro-enteritis and colitis
0.000 0.995 0.005
R41.0 Disorientation, unspecified
0.005 0.995 0.000
O63.1 Prolonged second stage (of labour)
0.005 0.995 0.000
O71 Other obstetric trauma
0.005 0.995 0.000
Y84.9 Medical procedure, unspecified
0.000 0.995 0.005
O62.3 Precipitate labour
0.005 0.995 0.000
O66.5 Failed application of vacuum extractor and forceps, unspecified
0.005 0.995 0.000
Z50.0 Cardiac rehabilitation
0.005 0.995 0.000
O68 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal stress [distress]
0.005 0.995 0.000
K83.1 Obstruction of bile duct
0.005 0.995 0.000
I45.4 Nonspecific intraventricular block
0.000 0.995 0.005
N41 Inflammatory diseases of prostate
0.000 0.995 0.005
O74 Complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.005 0.995 0.000
Y84.3 Shock therapy
0.000 0.995 0.005
C82 Follicular [nodular] non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
0.000 0.995 0.005
I45.2 Bifascicular block
0.000 0.995 0.005
N41.0 Acute prostatitis
0.000 0.995 0.005
B34.9 Viral infection, unspecified
0.005 0.995 0.000
J45 Asthma
0.000 0.995 0.005
K21 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
0.000 0.995 0.005
Z51.1 Chemotherapy session for neoplasm
0.000 0.995 0.005
O62.2 Other uterine inertia
0.005 0.995 0.000
Z50.7 Occupational therapy and vocational rehabilitation, not elsewhere classified
0.005 0.995 0.000
C79.5 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow
0.000 0.995 0.005
O62.4 Hypertonic, incoordinate and prolonged uterine contractions
0.004 0.995 0.000
N43.3 Hydrocele, unspecified
0.000 0.995 0.005
O64.0 Obstructed labour due to incomplete rotation of foetal head
0.004 0.995 0.000
R21 Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption
0.005 0.995 0.000
Y84.7 Blood-sampling
0.000 0.995 0.004
O66.4 Failed trial of labour, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O62.1 Secondary uterine inertia
0.004 0.996 0.000
O60 Preterm delivery
0.004 0.996 0.000
I45.3 Trifascicular block
0.000 0.996 0.004
I45.0 Right fascicular block
0.000 0.996 0.004
O62.8 Other abnormalities of forces of labour
0.004 0.996 0.000
Y84.5 Insertion of gastric or duodenal sound
0.000 0.996 0.004
Y84.1 Kidney dialysis
0.000 0.996 0.004
O62.9 Abnormality of forces of labour, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O62.0 Primary inadequate contractions
0.004 0.996 0.000
R41 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness
0.004 0.996 0.000
C82.7 Other types of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
0.000 0.996 0.004
Z50.1 Other physical therapy
0.004 0.996 0.000
G93 Other disorders of brain
0.004 0.996 0.000
Z50 Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures
0.004 0.996 0.000
O64.1 Obstructed labour due to breech presentation
0.004 0.996 0.000
O66.3 Obstructed labour due to other abnormalities of foetus
0.004 0.996 0.000
O66.1 Obstructed labour due to locked twins
0.004 0.996 0.000
K50 Crohn's disease [regional enteritis]
0.000 0.996 0.004
O66.8 Other specified obstructed labour
0.004 0.996 0.000
C82.1 Mixed small cleaved and large cell, follicular
0.000 0.996 0.004
O71.7 Obstetric haematoma of pelvis
0.004 0.996 0.000
O75 Other complications of labour and delivery, not elsewhere classified
0.004 0.996 0.000
G93.8 Other specified disorders of brain
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.4 Obstetric high vaginal laceration alone
0.004 0.996 0.000
N41.8 Other inflammatory diseases of prostate
0.000 0.996 0.004
O64.9 Obstructed labour due to malposition and malpresentation, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O66.2 Obstructed labour due to unusually large foetus
0.004 0.996 0.000
K01 Embedded and impacted teeth
0.004 0.996 0.000
O66.9 Obstructed labour, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O64.5 Obstructed labour due to compound presentation
0.004 0.996 0.000
O64.3 Obstructed labour due to brow presentation
0.004 0.996 0.000
O68.8 Labour and delivery complicated by other evidence of foetal stress
0.004 0.996 0.000
G62.9 Polyneuropathy, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
G93.1 Anoxic brain damage, not elsewhere classified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O67 Labour and delivery complicated by intrapartum haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
0.004 0.996 0.000
R56 Convulsions, not elsewhere classified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O68.2 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal heart rate anomaly with meconium in amniotic fluid
0.004 0.996 0.000
O68.1 Labour and delivery complicated by meconium in amniotic fluid
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.3 Obstetric laceration of cervix
0.004 0.996 0.000
C82.0 Small cleaved cell, follicular
0.000 0.996 0.004
O64.4 Obstructed labour due to shoulder presentation
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.6 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments
0.004 0.996 0.000
G93.6 Cerebral oedema
0.004 0.996 0.000
I45.8 Other specified conduction disorders
0.000 0.996 0.004
Z50.5 Speech therapy
0.004 0.996 0.000
O65 Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality
0.004 0.996 0.000
K80.0 Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
O63.2 Delayed delivery of second twin, triplet, etc.
0.004 0.996 0.000
O61 Failed induction of labour
0.004 0.996 0.000
O74.6 Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.004 0.996 0.000
O73 Retained placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage
0.004 0.996 0.000
O72 Postpartum haemorrhage
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.2 Postpartum inversion of uterus
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.1 Rupture of uterus during labour
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.0 Rupture of uterus before onset of labour
0.004 0.996 0.000
O64.2 Obstructed labour due to face presentation
0.004 0.996 0.000
J45.1 Nonallergic asthma
0.000 0.996 0.004
O71.8 Other specified obstetric trauma
0.004 0.996 0.000
Z50.8 Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures
0.004 0.996 0.000
C82.2 Large cell, follicular
0.000 0.996 0.004
K01.0 Embedded teeth
0.004 0.996 0.000
K42.9 Umbilical hernia without obstruction or gangrene
0.004 0.996 0.000
O71.5 Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs
0.004 0.996 0.000
Y84.6 Urinary catheterisation
0.000 0.996 0.004
O74.5 Spinal and epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during labour and delivery
0.004 0.996 0.000
C82.3 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa
0.000 0.996 0.004
O75.7 Vaginal delivery following previous Caesarean section
0.004 0.996 0.000
J45.8 Mixed asthma
0.000 0.996 0.004
N41.3 Prostatocystitis
0.000 0.996 0.004
N41.2 Abscess of prostate
0.000 0.996 0.004
O74.9 Complication of anaesthesia during labour and delivery, unspecified
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.8 Other complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.7 Failed or difficult intubation during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.4 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.3 Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.2 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.1 Other pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
O74.0 Aspiration pneumonitis due to anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.003 0.996 0.000
C82.6 Cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma
0.000 0.996 0.003
C82.5 Diffuse follicle centre lymphoma
0.000 0.996 0.003
M48.07 Spinal stenosis (Lumbosacral region)
0.004 0.996 0.000
O68.0 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal heart rate anomaly
0.004 0.996 0.000
G56.0 Carpal tunnel syndrome
0.004 0.996 0.000
G93.2 Benign intracranial hypertension
0.003 0.996 0.000
G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified
0.003 0.996 0.000
I45.5 Other specified heart block
0.000 0.996 0.003
O63.0 Prolonged first stage (of labour)
0.003 0.996 0.000
O68.3 Labour and delivery complicated by biochemical evidence of foetal stress
0.003 0.996 0.000
G93.3 Postviral fatigue syndrome
0.003 0.997 0.000
O71.9 Obstetric trauma, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z50.3 Drug rehabilitation
0.003 0.997 0.000
O60.3 Preterm delivery without spontaneous labour
0.003 0.997 0.000
O60.2 Preterm spontaneous labour with term delivery
0.003 0.997 0.000
O60.1 Preterm spontaneous labour with preterm delivery
0.003 0.997 0.000
O60.0 Preterm labour without delivery
0.003 0.997 0.000
C82.4 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb
0.000 0.997 0.003
K63.8 Other specified diseases of intestine
0.003 0.997 0.000
O63.9 Long labour, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
R41.1 Anterograde amnesia
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.3 Other infection during labour
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z83.5 Family history of eye and ear disorders
0.000 0.997 0.003
O64.8 Obstructed labour due to other malposition and malpresentation
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.9 Complication of labour and delivery, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z83.3 Family history of diabetes mellitus
0.000 0.997 0.003
G93.7 Reye's syndrome
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.6 Delayed delivery after spontaneous or unspecified rupture of membranes
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z50.6 Orthoptic training
0.003 0.997 0.000
G93.9 Disorder of brain, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
G93.0 Cerebral cysts
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z50.4 Psychotherapy, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
I45.9 Conduction disorder, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
O75.4 Other complications of obstetric surgery and procedures
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.1 Shock during or following labour and delivery
0.003 0.997 0.000
K86.8 Other specified diseases of pancreas
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.5 Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes
0.003 0.997 0.000
R56.0 Febrile convulsions
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z36.3 Antenatal screening for malformations using ultrasound and other physical methods
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z36.0 Antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies
0.003 0.997 0.000
G93.5 Compression of brain
0.003 0.997 0.000
O67.0 Intrapartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.2 Pyrexia during labour, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.4 Obstructed labour due to foetopelvic disproportion, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
O72.2 Delayed and secondary postpartum haemorrhage
0.003 0.997 0.000
C77.1 Intrathoracic lymph nodes
0.000 0.997 0.003
K50.0 Crohn's disease of small intestine
0.000 0.997 0.003
G56 Mononeuropathies of upper limb
0.003 0.997 0.000
O68.9 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal stress, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
K86.0 Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.9 Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.8 Obstructed labour due to other maternal pelvic abnormalities
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.3 Obstructed labour due to pelvic outlet and midcavity contraction
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.2 Obstructed labour due to pelvic inlet contraction
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.1 Obstructed labour due to generally contracted pelvis
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.0 Obstructed labour due to deformed pelvis
0.003 0.997 0.000
K86 Other diseases of pancreas
0.003 0.997 0.000
O61.8 Other failed induction of labour
0.003 0.997 0.000
O72.3 Postpartum coagulation defects
0.003 0.997 0.000
O75.0 Maternal distress during labour and delivery
0.003 0.997 0.000
G62 Other polyneuropathies
0.003 0.997 0.000
C79.1 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder and other and unspecified urinary organs
0.000 0.997 0.003
N41.9 Inflammatory disease of prostate, unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
R41.2 Retrograde amnesia
0.003 0.997 0.000
H43.8 Other disorders of vitreous body
0.003 0.997 0.000
M48.0 Spinal stenosis
0.003 0.997 0.000
O61.9 Failed induction of labour, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z36 Antenatal screening
0.003 0.997 0.000
M41.99 Scoliosis, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.003 0.997 0.000
M67.8 Other specified disorders of synovium and tendon
0.003 0.997 0.000
C61 Malignant neoplasm of prostate
0.000 0.997 0.003
K50.8 Other Crohn's disease
0.000 0.997 0.003
C34.3 Lower lobe, bronchus or lung
0.000 0.997 0.003
O67.9 Intrapartum haemorrhage, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
O67.8 Other intrapartum haemorrhage
0.003 0.997 0.000
O61.1 Failed instrumental induction of labour
0.003 0.997 0.000
O72.1 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage
0.003 0.997 0.000
O73.0 Retained placenta, without haemorrhage
0.003 0.997 0.000
J45.0 Predominantly allergic asthma
0.000 0.997 0.003
K86.3 Pseudocyst of pancreas
0.003 0.997 0.000
G95.2 Cord compression, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
C79 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other sites
0.000 0.997 0.003
G95 Other diseases of spinal cord
0.003 0.997 0.000
G56.8 Other mononeuropathies of upper limb
0.003 0.997 0.000
G90-G99 Other disorders of the nervous system
0.003 0.997 0.000
O61.0 Failed medical induction of labour
0.002 0.997 0.000
Z36.1 Antenatal screening for raised alphafetoprotein level
0.003 0.997 0.000
G62.8 Other specified polyneuropathies
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z83 Family history of other specific disorders
0.000 0.997 0.003
M48.02 Spinal stenosis (Cervical region)
0.003 0.997 0.000
C25.0 Head of pancreas
0.003 0.997 0.000
K05.3 Chronic periodontitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
M48.04 Spinal stenosis (Thoracic region)
0.003 0.997 0.000
O73.1 Retained portions of placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage
0.002 0.997 0.000
K50.1 Crohn's disease of large intestine
0.000 0.997 0.003
M41.9 Scoliosis, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
C79.0 Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney and renal pelvis
0.000 0.997 0.003
C34.2 Middle lobe, bronchus or lung
0.000 0.997 0.003
G56.3 Lesion of radial nerve
0.003 0.997 0.000
G56.1 Other lesions of median nerve
0.003 0.997 0.000
M41.96 Scoliosis, unspecified (Lumbar region)
0.003 0.997 0.000
G94 Other disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere
0.003 0.997 0.000
G95.9 Disease of spinal cord, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
Z50.2 Alcohol rehabilitation
0.002 0.997 0.000
C79.8 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
0.000 0.997 0.003
G62.1 Alcoholic polyneuropathy
0.002 0.997 0.000
K86.9 Disease of pancreas, unspecified
0.002 0.997 0.000
K86.2 Cyst of pancreas
0.003 0.997 0.000
M48.00 Spinal stenosis (Multiple sites in spine)
0.002 0.997 0.000
G56.4 Causalgia
0.002 0.997 0.000
M79.79 Fibromyalgia (Site unspecified)
0.000 0.997 0.003
Z36.4 Antenatal screening for foetal growth retardation using ultrasound and other physical methods
0.002 0.997 0.000
O75.8 Other specified complications of labour and delivery
0.002 0.997 0.000
O69 Labour and delivery complicated by umbilical cord complications
0.002 0.997 0.000
M48.05 Spinal stenosis (Thoracolumbar region)
0.002 0.997 0.000
G56.9 Mononeuropathy of upper limb, unspecified
0.002 0.997 0.000
G56.2 Lesion of ulnar nerve
0.003 0.997 0.000
O65.5 Obstructed labour due to abnormality of maternal pelvic organs
0.002 0.997 0.001
R04.2 Haemoptysis
0.000 0.997 0.003
Z36.9 Antenatal screening, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
G62.2 Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents
0.002 0.998 0.000
G62.0 Drug-induced polyneuropathy
0.002 0.998 0.000
S01.5 Open wound of lip and oral cavity
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z36.5 Antenatal screening for isoimmunisation
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z80.4 Family history of malignant neoplasm of genital organs
0.000 0.998 0.002
M48.08 Spinal stenosis (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.03 Spinal stenosis (Cervicothoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.01 Spinal stenosis (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z36.2 Other antenatal screening based on amniocentesis
0.002 0.998 0.000
G98 Other disorders of nervous system, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48 Other spondylopathies
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z83.4 Family history of other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
0.000 0.998 0.002
G94.1 Hydrocephalus in neoplastic disease
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z36.8 Other antenatal screening
0.002 0.998 0.000
C34 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung
0.000 0.998 0.002
G95.8 Other specified diseases of spinal cord
0.002 0.998 0.000
O72.0 Third-stage haemorrhage
0.002 0.998 0.000
R19.5 Other fecal abnormalities
0.002 0.998 0.000
K83 Other diseases of biliary tract
0.002 0.998 0.000
K83.0 Cholangitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.5 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
K86.1 Other chronic pancreatitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
K05 Gingivitis and periodontal diseases
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.56 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
G94.2 Hydrocephalus in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
G92 Toxic encephalopathy
0.002 0.998 0.000
M41.90 Scoliosis, unspecified (Multiple sites in spine)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.9 Pancreas, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
C79.9 Secondary malignant neoplasm, unspecified site
0.000 0.998 0.002
G99 Other disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
C79.4 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of nervous system
0.000 0.998 0.002
G95.1 Vascular myelopathies
0.002 0.998 0.000
R41.3 Other amnesia
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z83.1 Family history of other infectious and parasitic diseases
0.000 0.998 0.002
Z83.0 Family history of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]
0.000 0.998 0.002
C34.9 Bronchus or lung, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
M23.22 Derangement of meniscus due to old tear or injury (Posterior cruciate ligament or Posterior horn of medial meniscus)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C79.6 Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary
0.000 0.998 0.002
M41.95 Scoliosis, unspecified (Thoracolumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M41.94 Scoliosis, unspecified (Thoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
K05.6 Periodontal disease, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z83.6 Family history of diseases of the respiratory system
0.000 0.998 0.002
M41.93 Scoliosis, unspecified (Cervicothoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M41.91 Scoliosis, unspecified (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z83.2 Family history of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
0.000 0.998 0.002
J47 Bronchiectasis
0.000 0.998 0.002
R18 Ascites
0.002 0.998 0.000
M41.97 Scoliosis, unspecified (Lumbosacral region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas
0.002 0.998 0.000
G94.8 Other specified disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
G94.0 Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
O02.0 Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole
0.002 0.998 0.000
C77.2 Intra-abdominal lymph nodes
0.000 0.998 0.002
B34 Viral infection of unspecified site
0.002 0.998 0.000
C71.9 Brain, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
G95.0 Syringomyelia and syringobulbia
0.002 0.998 0.000
K05.1 Chronic gingivitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.8 Other specified spondylopathies
0.002 0.998 0.000
S01.9 Open wound of head, part unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
O69.5 Labour and delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord
0.002 0.998 0.000
O69.4 Labour and delivery complicated by vasa praevia
0.002 0.998 0.000
O69.3 Labour and delivery complicated by short cord
0.002 0.998 0.000
C77 Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes
0.000 0.998 0.002
M41.98 Scoliosis, unspecified (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M41.92 Scoliosis, unspecified (Cervical region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.50 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Multiple sites in spine)
0.002 0.998 0.000
K05.5 Other periodontal diseases
0.002 0.998 0.000
N43 Hydrocele and spermatocele
0.000 0.998 0.002
Chapter XV Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.09 Spinal stenosis (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
O69.0 Labour and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord
0.002 0.998 0.000
S01.0 Open wound of scalp
0.000 0.998 0.002
O02 Other abnormal products of conception
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.59 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
K21.9 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease without oesophagitis
0.000 0.998 0.002
K83.3 Fistula of bile duct
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.4 Fatigue fracture of vertebra
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.3 Traumatic spondylopathy
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.2 Kissing spine
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.1 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier]
0.002 0.998 0.000
S01.4 Open wound of cheek and temporomandibular area
0.000 0.998 0.002
Y44.2 Anticoagulants
0.000 0.998 0.002
G90 Disorders of autonomic nervous system
0.002 0.998 0.000
S01 Open wound of head
0.000 0.998 0.002
M48.52 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Cervical region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C34.8 Overlapping lesion of bronchus and lung
0.000 0.998 0.002
K05.0 Acute gingivitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
K83.4 Spasm of sphincter of Oddi
0.002 0.998 0.000
G97 Postprocedural disorders of nervous system, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O69.8 Labour and delivery complicated by other cord complications
0.002 0.998 0.000
G50-G59 Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.58 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.57 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Lumbosacral region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.53 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Cervicothoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.51 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.1 Body of pancreas
0.002 0.998 0.000
C79.2 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin
0.000 0.998 0.002
K83.5 Biliary cyst
0.002 0.998 0.000
K05.2 Acute periodontitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
K05.4 Periodontosis
0.002 0.998 0.000
K83.2 Perforation of bile duct
0.002 0.998 0.000
O69.9 Labour and delivery complicated by cord complication, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z83.7 Family history of diseases of the digestive system
0.000 0.998 0.002
O85-O92 Complications predominantly related to the puerperium
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.7 Other parts of pancreas
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.9 Spondylopathy, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
S01.3 Open wound of ear
0.000 0.998 0.002
G99.8 Other specified disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
G99.1 Other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
O02.1 Missed abortion
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.06 Spinal stenosis (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.55 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Thoracolumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.3 Pancreatic duct
0.002 0.998 0.000
G99.0 Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases
0.002 0.998 0.000
M20.2 Hallux rigidus
0.002 0.998 0.000
M41 Scoliosis
0.002 0.998 0.000
O10-O16 Oedema, proteinuria and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.8 Overlapping lesion of pancreas
0.002 0.998 0.000
G90.2 Horner's syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
T85.6 Mechanical complication of other specified internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
0.002 0.998 0.000
Z80.3 Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast
0.000 0.998 0.002
G91 Hydrocephalus
0.002 0.998 0.000
O00-O08 Pregnancy with abortive outcome
0.002 0.998 0.000
G99.2 Myelopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
0.002 0.998 0.000
N43.1 Infected hydrocele
0.000 0.998 0.002
M48.87 Other specified spondylopathies (Lumbosacral region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C77.0 Lymph nodes of head, face and neck
0.000 0.998 0.002
M48.82 Other specified spondylopathies (Cervical region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
B34.3 Parvovirus infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
K09.8 Other cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
G96 Other disorders of central nervous system
0.001 0.998 0.000
O23 Infections of genito-urinary tract in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.54 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified (Thoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.86 Other specified spondylopathies (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
B34.2 Coronavirus infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
B34.0 Adenovirus infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.2 Tail of pancreas
0.002 0.998 0.000
N28.1 Cyst of kidney, acquired
0.000 0.998 0.002
O90 Complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.85 Other specified spondylopathies (Thoracolumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.84 Other specified spondylopathies (Thoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.83 Other specified spondylopathies (Cervicothoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.81 Other specified spondylopathies (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.80 Other specified spondylopathies (Multiple sites in spine)
0.002 0.998 0.000
B34.4 Papovirus infection, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.88 Other specified spondylopathies (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
C25.4 Endocrine pancreas
0.002 0.998 0.000
C77.5 Intrapelvic lymph nodes
0.000 0.998 0.002
G57.8 Other mononeuropathies of lower limb
0.002 0.998 0.000
G58 Other mononeuropathies
0.002 0.998 0.000
O16 Unspecified maternal hypertension
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.89 Other specified spondylopathies (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
O02.8 Other specified abnormal products of conception
0.002 0.998 0.000
O23.5 Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
C79.7 Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland
0.000 0.998 0.002
G91.0 Communicating hydrocephalus
0.002 0.998 0.000
N80.0 Endometriosis of uterus
0.000 0.998 0.002
O02.9 Abnormal product of conception, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O69.1 Labour and delivery complicated by cord around neck, with compression
0.001 0.998 0.000
G57 Mononeuropathies of lower limb
0.002 0.998 0.000
G50 Disorders of trigeminal nerve
0.002 0.998 0.000
O00 Ectopic pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O10 Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.002 0.998 0.000
O91 Infections of breast associated with childbirth
0.002 0.998 0.000
O89 Complications of anaesthesia during the puerperium
0.002 0.998 0.000
O87 Venous complications in the puerperium
0.002 0.998 0.000
O20-O29 Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
M48.19 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.18 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.17 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Lumbosacral region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.16 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.15 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Thoracolumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.14 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.13 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Cervicothoracic region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.12 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Cervical region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.11 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.10 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier] (Multiple sites in spine)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.29 Kissing spine (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.28 Kissing spine (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.27 Kissing spine (Lumbosacral region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.26 Kissing spine (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.25 Kissing spine (Thoracolumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.24 Kissing spine (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.23 Kissing spine (Cervicothoracic region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.22 Kissing spine (Cervical region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.21 Kissing spine (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.20 Kissing spine (Multiple sites in spine)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.39 Traumatic spondylopathy (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.38 Traumatic spondylopathy (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.37 Traumatic spondylopathy (Lumbosacral region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.36 Traumatic spondylopathy (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.35 Traumatic spondylopathy (Thoracolumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.34 Traumatic spondylopathy (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.33 Traumatic spondylopathy (Cervicothoracic region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.32 Traumatic spondylopathy (Cervical region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.31 Traumatic spondylopathy (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.30 Traumatic spondylopathy (Multiple sites in spine)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.49 Fatigue fracture of vertebra (Site unspecified)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.48 Fatigue fracture of vertebra (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.47 Fatigue fracture of vertebra (Lumbosacral region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.46 Fatigue fracture of vertebra (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M48.45 Fatigue fracture of vertebra (Thoracolumbar region)
0.001 0.998 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.