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log Bayes Factor = 0.0252043
Chromosome 2   position 239,338,495  (GRCh37) Explore rs11895698 on Ensembl!
Variant rs11895698 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

Hospitalization Episode Statistics (HES)

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
N20.0 Calculus of kidney
0.000 0.871 0.129
N20 Calculus of kidney and ureter
0.000 0.885 0.115
N20.1 Calculus of ureter
0.000 0.886 0.114
N20.9 Urinary calculus, unspecified
0.000 0.911 0.089
N20.2 Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter
0.000 0.931 0.069
F52.2 Failure of genital response
0.023 0.977 0.000
N20-N23 Urolithiasis
0.000 0.982 0.018
C15.5 Lower third of oesophagus
0.017 0.983 0.000
D75.1 Secondary polycythaemia
0.016 0.984 0.000
C15.9 Oesophagus, unspecified
0.015 0.985 0.000
C15 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus
0.015 0.985 0.000
N87.0 Mild cervical dysplasia
0.000 0.985 0.015
N70.1 Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis
0.013 0.987 0.000
N22 Calculus of urinary tract in diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.987 0.013
D75 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
0.013 0.987 0.000
F52 Sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease
0.013 0.987 0.000
C15.4 Middle third of oesophagus
0.012 0.988 0.000
D75.9 Disease of blood and blood-forming organs, unspecified
0.012 0.988 0.000
D75.2 Essential thrombocytosis
0.012 0.988 0.000
C15.8 Overlapping lesion of oesophagus
0.011 0.989 0.000
C15.2 Abdominal part of oesophagus
0.011 0.989 0.000
C15.1 Thoracic part of oesophagus
0.011 0.989 0.000
C15.0 Cervical part of oesophagus
0.011 0.989 0.000
N21 Calculus of lower urinary tract
0.000 0.989 0.011
D75.8 Other specified diseases of blood and blood-forming organs
0.011 0.989 0.000
N87 Dysplasia of cervix uteri
0.000 0.989 0.011
G51.0 Bell's palsy
0.000 0.990 0.010
N87.1 Moderate cervical dysplasia
0.000 0.990 0.010
N22.8 Calculus of urinary tract in other diseases classified elsewhere
0.000 0.990 0.010
N22.0 Calculus of urinary tract in schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]
0.000 0.990 0.010
F52.9 Unspecified sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.8 Other sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.7 Excessive sexual drive
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.6 Nonorganic dyspareunia
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.5 Nonorganic vaginismus
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.4 Premature ejaculation
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.3 Orgasmic dysfunction
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.1 Sexual aversion and lack of sexual enjoyment
0.009 0.990 0.000
F52.0 Lack or loss of sexual desire
0.009 0.990 0.000
C15.3 Upper third of oesophagus
0.009 0.991 0.000
D75.0 Familial erythrocytosis
0.009 0.991 0.000
N21.8 Other lower urinary tract calculus
0.000 0.992 0.008
N21.1 Calculus in urethra
0.000 0.992 0.008
N21.9 Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified
0.000 0.992 0.008
N87.2 Severe cervical dysplasia, not elsewhere classified
0.000 0.992 0.008
N87.9 Dysplasia of cervix uteri, unspecified
0.000 0.992 0.008
B07 Viral warts
0.008 0.992 0.000
I21.1 Acute transmural myocardial infarction of inferior wall
0.007 0.993 0.000
B00-B09 Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
0.006 0.994 0.000
F50-F59 Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors
0.005 0.994 0.000
B02 Zoster [herpes zoster]
0.006 0.994 0.000
D17.0 Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of head, face and neck
0.005 0.995 0.000
B02.9 Zoster without complication
0.005 0.995 0.000
N23 Unspecified renal colic
0.000 0.995 0.005
O20.0 Threatened abortion
0.005 0.995 0.000
I25.2 Old myocardial infarction
0.005 0.995 0.000
C18.7 Sigmoid colon
0.005 0.995 0.000
B00 Herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections
0.005 0.995 0.000
B02.3 Zoster ocular disease
0.005 0.995 0.000
S72.10 Pertrochanteric fracture (closed)
0.000 0.995 0.005
B02.8 Zoster with other complications
0.005 0.995 0.000
R27.0 Ataxia, unspecified
0.005 0.995 0.000
N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis
0.004 0.996 0.000
F51 Nonorganic sleep disorders
0.004 0.996 0.000
B08 Other viral infections characterised by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified
0.004 0.996 0.000
B06 Rubella [German measles]
0.004 0.996 0.000
B05 Measles
0.004 0.996 0.000
B09 Unspecified viral infection characterised by skin and mucous membrane lesions
0.004 0.996 0.000
B04 Monkeypox
0.004 0.996 0.000
B03 Smallpox
0.004 0.996 0.000
B02.7 Disseminated zoster
0.004 0.996 0.000
B02.1 Zoster meningitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
B02.0 Zoster encephalitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
F53 Mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
0.004 0.996 0.000
F59 Unspecified behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors
0.004 0.996 0.000
F55 Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances
0.004 0.996 0.000
F54 Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.9 Herpesviral infection, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
K29.4 Chronic atrophic gastritis
0.000 0.996 0.004
B01 Varicella [chickenpox]
0.004 0.996 0.000
F50 Eating disorders
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.4 Herpesviral encephalitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.2 Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
K83.1 Obstruction of bile duct
0.000 0.996 0.004
B00.8 Other forms of herpesviral infection
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.7 Disseminated herpesviral disease
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.3 Herpesviral meningitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.0 Eczema herpeticum
0.004 0.996 0.000
B00.5 Herpesviral ocular disease
0.004 0.996 0.000
G80.9 Infantile cerebral palsy, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
O20 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy
0.004 0.996 0.000
O36.8 Maternal care for other specified foetal problems
0.000 0.996 0.004
S30.8 Other superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.000 0.996 0.004
B00.1 Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis
0.004 0.996 0.000
F51.0 Nonorganic insomnia
0.003 0.996 0.000
B02.2 Zoster with other nervous system involvement
0.003 0.996 0.000
O26.9 Pregnancy-related condition, unspecified
0.004 0.996 0.000
N70.0 Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
0.003 0.997 0.000
S30 Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.000 0.997 0.003
F51.9 Nonorganic sleep disorder, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
F51.8 Other nonorganic sleep disorders
0.003 0.997 0.000
F51.5 Nightmares
0.003 0.997 0.000
F51.4 Sleep terrors [night terrors]
0.003 0.997 0.000
F51.3 Sleepwalking [somnambulism]
0.003 0.997 0.000
F51.2 Nonorganic disorder of the sleep-wake schedule
0.003 0.997 0.000
F51.1 Nonorganic hypersomnia
0.003 0.997 0.000
N21.0 Calculus in bladder
0.000 0.997 0.003
B08.8 Other specified viral infections characterised by skin and mucous membrane lesions
0.003 0.997 0.000
B08.5 Enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
B08.4 Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem
0.003 0.997 0.000
B08.3 Erythema infectiosum [fifth disease]
0.003 0.997 0.000
B08.2 Exanthema subitum [sixth disease]
0.003 0.997 0.000
B08.0 Other orthopoxvirus infections
0.003 0.997 0.000
S30.0 Contusion of lower back and pelvis
0.000 0.997 0.003
B05.9 Measles without complication
0.003 0.997 0.000
B05.8 Measles with other complications
0.003 0.997 0.000
B05.4 Measles with intestinal complications
0.003 0.997 0.000
B05.3 Measles complicated by otitis media
0.003 0.997 0.000
B05.2 Measles complicated by pneumonia
0.003 0.997 0.000
B05.1 Measles complicated by meningitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
B05.0 Measles complicated by encephalitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
B06.9 Rubella without complication
0.003 0.997 0.000
B06.8 Rubella with other complications
0.003 0.997 0.000
B06.0 Rubella with neurological complications
0.003 0.997 0.000
B08.1 Molluscum contagiosum
0.003 0.997 0.000
F53.9 Puerperal mental disorder, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
F53.8 Other mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
F53.1 Severe mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
F53.0 Mild mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
0.003 0.997 0.000
O26 Maternal care for other conditions predominantly related to pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
M10.99 Gout, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.003 0.997 0.000
S30.2 Contusion of external genital organs
0.000 0.997 0.003
S30.1 Contusion of abdominal wall
0.000 0.997 0.003
B01.8 Varicella with other complications
0.003 0.997 0.000
B01.2 Varicella pneumonia
0.003 0.997 0.000
B01.1 Varicella encephalitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
B01.0 Varicella meningitis
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.8 Other eating disorders
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.5 Vomiting associated with other psychological disturbances
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.4 Overeating associated with other psychological disturbances
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.3 Atypical bulimia nervosa
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.2 Bulimia nervosa
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.1 Atypical anorexia nervosa
0.003 0.997 0.000
M70.22 Olecranon bursitis-Upper arm
0.003 0.997 0.000
O32.1 Maternal care for breech presentation
0.003 0.997 0.000
O20.8 Other haemorrhage in early pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
G51 Facial nerve disorders
0.000 0.997 0.003
O26.7 Subluxation of symphysis (pubis) in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.003 0.997 0.000
M20.5 Other deformities of toe(s) (acquired)
0.000 0.997 0.003
O26.3 Retained intra-uterine contraceptive device in pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.0 Anorexia nervosa
0.003 0.997 0.000
F50.9 Eating disorder, unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
S30.9 Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back and pelvis, part unspecified
0.000 0.997 0.003
D68.2 Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors
0.003 0.997 0.000
O21 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
O20-O29 Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
S30.7 Multiple superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis
0.000 0.997 0.003
M20.4 Other hammer toe(s) (acquired)
0.000 0.997 0.003
N03.9 Unspecified
0.003 0.997 0.000
B01.9 Varicella without complications
0.002 0.997 0.000
O26.6 Liver disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.003 0.997 0.000
O26.5 Maternal hypotension syndrome
0.003 0.997 0.000
O26.4 Herpes gestationis
0.003 0.997 0.000
O26.1 Low weight gain in pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
O26.0 Excessive weight gain in pregnancy
0.003 0.997 0.000
O26.2 Pregnancy care of habitual aborter
0.002 0.997 0.000
M79.69 Pain in limb (Site unspecified)
0.003 0.997 0.000
O21.8 Other vomiting complicating pregnancy
0.002 0.997 0.000
O22 Venous complications in pregnancy
0.002 0.997 0.000
M95.0 Acquired deformity of nose
0.003 0.997 0.000
O21.9 Vomiting of pregnancy, unspecified
0.002 0.997 0.000
F22.0 Delusional disorder
0.002 0.998 0.000
G51.4 Facial myokymia
0.000 0.998 0.002
G51.2 Melkersson's syndrome
0.000 0.998 0.002
G51.1 Geniculate ganglionitis
0.000 0.998 0.002
O20.9 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.4 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O21.0 Mild hyperemesis gravidarum
0.002 0.998 0.000
N85.9 Noninflammatory disorder of uterus, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
M70.2 Olecranon bursitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
N70.9 Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O21.1 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance
0.002 0.998 0.000
G80 Infantile cerebral palsy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28 Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
G51.9 Disorder of facial nerve, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
O21.2 Late vomiting of pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.1 Pertrochanteric fracture
0.000 0.998 0.002
O29 Complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.53 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M96.8 Other postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
O26.8 Other specified pregnancy-related conditions
0.002 0.998 0.000
G51.8 Other disorders of facial nerve
0.000 0.998 0.002
M95 Other acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
0.002 0.998 0.000
S92.00 Fracture of calcaneus (closed)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M20.1 Hallux valgus (acquired)
0.000 0.998 0.002
G80.2 Infantile hemiplegia
0.002 0.998 0.000
K12.3 Oral mucositis (ulcerative)
0.000 0.998 0.002
O28.3 Abnormal ultrasonic finding on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
M11.26 Other chondrocalcinosis (Lower leg)
0.000 0.998 0.002
M99.5 Intervertebral disk stenosis of neural canal
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.9 Venous complication in pregnancy, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.8 Other venous complications in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.5 Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.3 Deep phlebothrombosis in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.2 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.1 Genital varices in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O22.0 Varicose veins of lower extremity in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
G51.3 Clonic hemifacial spasm
0.000 0.998 0.002
O36.5 Maternal care for poor foetal growth
0.000 0.998 0.002
K12.1 Other forms of stomatitis
0.000 0.998 0.002
C90.0 Multiple myeloma
0.000 0.998 0.002
G82.1 Spastic paraplegia
0.002 0.998 0.000
N94.1 Dyspareunia
0.002 0.998 0.000
D86.0 Sarcoidosis of lung
0.000 0.998 0.002
M95.4 Acquired deformity of chest and rib
0.002 0.998 0.000
M13.99 Arthritis, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.002 0.998 0.000
F22 Persistent delusional disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
M20 Acquired deformities of fingers and toes
0.000 0.998 0.002
V49.4 Driver injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.29 Olecranon bursitis-Site unspec
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.28 Olecranon bursitis-Other
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.27 Olecranon bursitis-Ankle/Foot
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.26 Olecranon bursitis-Lower Leg
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.25 Olecranon bursitis-Pelvic/Thigh
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.24 Olecranon bursitis-Hand
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.23 Olecranon bursitis-Forearm
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.21 Olecranon bursitis-Shldr region
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.20 Olecranon bursitis-Mult sites
0.002 0.998 0.000
G80.8 Other infantile cerebral palsy
0.002 0.998 0.000
G80.4 Ataxic cerebral palsy
0.002 0.998 0.000
G80.3 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
0.002 0.998 0.000
G80.1 Spastic diplegia
0.002 0.998 0.000
G80.0 Spastic cerebral palsy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.9 Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.8 Other abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.5 Abnormal chromosomal and genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.4 Abnormal radiological finding on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.2 Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.0 Abnormal haematological finding on antenatal screening of mother
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.56 Other bursitis of knee-Lower Leg
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.50 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal (Head region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
S72.11 Pertrochanteric fracture (open)
0.000 0.998 0.002
F80.1 Expressive language disorder
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.9 Complication of anaesthesia during pregnancy, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.8 Other complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.6 Failed or difficult intubation during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.5 Other complications of spinal and epidural anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.4 Spinal and epidural anaesthesia-induced headache during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.3 Toxic reaction to local anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.2 Central nervous system complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.1 Cardiac complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
O29.0 Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
V49.9 Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified traffic accident
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99 Biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M95.2 Other acquired deformity of head
0.002 0.998 0.000
N81.4 Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
M95.9 Acquired deformity of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M95.8 Other specified acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system
0.002 0.998 0.000
M95.5 Acquired deformity of pelvis
0.002 0.998 0.000
M95.3 Acquired deformity of neck
0.002 0.998 0.000
M95.1 Cauliflower ear
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q79.6 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
F22.9 Persistent delusional disorder, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M96 Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
U80.1 Methicillin resistant agent
0.002 0.998 0.000
M24.15 Other articular cartilage disorders (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.000 0.998 0.002
M99.59 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal-Abdomen/other
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.58 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal-Rib cage
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.57 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal-Upper extremit
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.56 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal-Lower extremit
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.55 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal (Pelvic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.54 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal (Sacral region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.52 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal (Thoracic region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.51 Intervertebral disc stenosis of neural canal (Cervical region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.5 Other bursitis of knee
0.002 0.998 0.000
S10.9 Superficial injury of neck, part unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
W44.0 Home
0.000 0.998 0.002
E87.5 Hyperkalaemia
0.002 0.998 0.000
M45.X9 Ankylosing spondylitis (Site unspecified)
0.000 0.998 0.002
L60.9 Nail disorder, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
J95.8 Other postprocedural respiratory disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
M95-M99 Other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
0.002 0.998 0.000
K12.0 Recurrent oral aphthae
0.000 0.998 0.002
N75.0 Cyst of Bartholin's gland
0.000 0.998 0.002
C20 Malignant neoplasm of rectum
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70 Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure
0.002 0.998 0.000
V49 Car occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents
0.002 0.998 0.000
K12 Stomatitis and related lesions
0.000 0.998 0.002
M70.32 Other bursitis of elbow-Upper arm
0.002 0.998 0.000
C16.0 Cardia
0.002 0.998 0.000
F22.8 Other persistent delusional disorders
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.3 Other bursitis of elbow
0.002 0.998 0.000
O28.1 Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother
0.001 0.998 0.000
M46.96 Inflammatory spondylopathy, unspecified (Lumbar region)
0.000 0.998 0.002
T95.8 Sequelae of other specified burn, corrosion and frostbite
0.002 0.998 0.000
O23 Infections of genito-urinary tract in pregnancy
0.002 0.998 0.000
N76.8 Other specified inflammation of vagina and vulva
0.002 0.998 0.000
N03 Chronic nephritic syndrome
0.002 0.998 0.000
O36 Maternal care for other known or suspected foetal problems
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q79 Congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system, not elsewhere classified
0.002 0.998 0.000
M99.9 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.8 Other biomechanical lesions
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.7 Connective tissue and disk stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.6 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.4 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.3 Osseous stenosis of neural canal
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.2 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.1 Subluxation complex (vertebral)
0.001 0.998 0.000
M99.0 Segmental and somatic dysfunction
0.001 0.998 0.000
N73.9 Female pelvic inflammatory disease, unspecified
0.002 0.998 0.000
O24 Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
0.001 0.998 0.000
M95.96 Acquired deformity of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
0.001 0.998 0.000
N80.0 Endometriosis of uterus
0.002 0.998 0.000
Q21.0 Ventricular septal defect
0.002 0.998 0.000
M89.86 Other specified disorders of bone (Lower leg)
0.002 0.998 0.000
H02.6 Xanthelasma of eyelid
0.002 0.998 0.000
M96.6 Fracture of bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint prosthesis or bone plate
0.001 0.998 0.000
M96.9 Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified
0.001 0.998 0.000
M96.5 Postradiation scoliosis
0.001 0.998 0.000
M96.4 Postsurgical lordosis
0.001 0.998 0.000
M96.3 Postlaminectomy kyphosis
0.001 0.998 0.000
M96.2 Postradiation kyphosis
0.001 0.998 0.000
Q76.0 Spina bifida occulta
0.002 0.998 0.000
M70.59 Other bursitis of knee-Site unspec
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.58 Other bursitis of knee-Other
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.57 Other bursitis of knee-Ankle/Foot
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.55 Other bursitis of knee-Pelvic/Thigh
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.54 Other bursitis of knee-Hand
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.53 Other bursitis of knee-Forearm
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.52 Other bursitis of knee-Upper arm
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.51 Other bursitis of knee-Shldr region
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.50 Other bursitis of knee-Mult sites
0.001 0.998 0.000
D22.4 Melanocytic naevi of scalp and neck
0.000 0.998 0.002
M96.1 Postlaminectomy syndrome, not elsewhere classified
0.001 0.998 0.000
N03.1 Focal and segmental glomerular lesions
0.001 0.998 0.000
N76.2 Acute vulvitis
0.002 0.998 0.000
O36.9 Maternal care for foetal problem, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
Q76 Congenital malformations of spine and bony thorax
0.001 0.998 0.000
D76.3 Other histiocytosis syndromes
0.001 0.998 0.000
E07.9 Disorder of thyroid, unspecified
0.000 0.998 0.002
M54.96 Dorsalgia, unspecified (Lumbar region)
0.002 0.998 0.000
S06.50 Traumatic subdural haemorrhage (without open intracranial wound)
0.000 0.998 0.002
E61.1 Iron deficiency
0.000 0.998 0.001
F25.1 Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.9 Unspecified soft tissue disorder related to use, overuse and pressure
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.8 Other soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.7 Other bursitis of hip
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.4 Prepatellar bursitis
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.1 Bursitis of hand
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.0 Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist
0.001 0.998 0.000
Q67.6 Pectus excavatum
0.001 0.998 0.000
T59.8 Other specified gases, fumes and vapours
0.001 0.998 0.000
V49.8 Car occupant [any] injured in other specified transport accidents
0.001 0.998 0.000
V49.6 Unspecified car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident
0.001 0.998 0.000
V49.3 Car occupant [any] injured in unspecified nontraffic accident
0.001 0.998 0.000
V49.2 Unspecified car occupant injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident
0.001 0.998 0.000
V49.1 Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident
0.001 0.998 0.000
V49.0 Driver injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident
0.001 0.998 0.000
Q67 Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of head, face, spine and chest
0.001 0.998 0.000
M19.98 Arthrosis, unspecified (Other)
0.000 0.998 0.001
M70.39 Other bursitis of elbow-Site unspec
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.38 Other bursitis of elbow-Other
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.37 Other bursitis of elbow-Ankle/Foot
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.36 Other bursitis of elbow-Lower Leg
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.35 Other bursitis of elbow-Pelvic/Thigh
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.34 Other bursitis of elbow-Hand
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.33 Other bursitis of elbow-Forearm
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.31 Other bursitis of elbow-Shldr region
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.30 Other bursitis of elbow-Mult sites
0.001 0.998 0.000
M70.6 Trochanteric bursitis
0.001 0.998 0.000
Q64.3 Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck
0.001 0.998 0.000
Q65-Q79 Congenital malformations and deformations of the musculoskeletal system
0.001 0.998 0.000
C26.9 Ill-defined sites within the digestive system
0.001 0.999 0.000
F23.9 Acute and transient psychotic disorder, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.8 Other
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.7 Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.6 Dense deposit disease
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.5 Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.4 Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.3 Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.2 Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis
0.001 0.999 0.000
N03.0 Minor glomerular abnormality
0.001 0.999 0.000
O23.3 Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy
0.001 0.999 0.000
O23.2 Infections of urethra in pregnancy
0.001 0.999 0.000
O23.1 Infections of bladder in pregnancy
0.001 0.999 0.000
O23.0 Infections of kidney in pregnancy
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.9 Congenital malformation of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.8 Other congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.5 Other congenital malformations of abdominal wall
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.4 Prune belly syndrome
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.3 Gastroschisis
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.2 Exomphalos
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.1 Other congenital malformations of diaphragm
0.001 0.999 0.000
Q79.0 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
0.001 0.999 0.000
V49.5 Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident
0.001 0.999 0.000
Z11.5 Special screening examination for other viral diseases
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.09 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Abdomen and other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.08 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Rib cage)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.07 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Upper extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.06 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Lower extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.05 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.04 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.03 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.02 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.01 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.00 Segmental and somatic dysfunction (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.19 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Abdomen and other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.18 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Rib cage)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.17 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Upper extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.16 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Lower extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.15 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.14 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.13 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.12 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.11 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.10 Subluxation complex (vertebral) (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.29 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal-Abdomen/other
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.28 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal-Rib cage
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.27 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal-Upper extremity
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.26 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal-Lower extremity
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.25 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.24 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.23 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.22 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.21 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.20 Subluxation stenosis of neural canal (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.39 Osseous stenosis of neural canal-Abdomen/other
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.38 Osseous stenosis of neural canal-Rib cage
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.37 Osseous stenosis of neural canal-Upper extremity
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.36 Osseous stenosis of neural canal-Lower extremity
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.35 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.34 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.33 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.32 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.31 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.30 Osseous stenosis of neural canal (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.49 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal-Abdomen/other
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.48 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal-Rib cage
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.47 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal-Upper extremity
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.46 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal-Lower extremity
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.45 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.44 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.43 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.42 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.41 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.40 Connective tissue stenosis of neural canal (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.69 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.68 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.67 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.66 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.65 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.64 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.63 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.62 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.61 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.60 Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.79 Connective tis and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.78 Connective tis and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.77 Connective tis and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.76 Connective tis and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.75 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.74 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.73 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.72 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.71 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.70 Connective tissue and disc stenosis of intervertebral foramina (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.89 Other biomechanical lesions (Abdomen and other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.88 Other biomechanical lesions (Rib cage)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.87 Other biomechanical lesions (Upper extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.86 Other biomechanical lesions (Lower extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.85 Other biomechanical lesions (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.84 Other biomechanical lesions (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.83 Other biomechanical lesions (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.82 Other biomechanical lesions (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.81 Other biomechanical lesions (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.80 Other biomechanical lesions (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.99 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Abdomen and other)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.98 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Rib cage)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.97 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Upper extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.96 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Lower extremity)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.95 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Pelvic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.94 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Sacral region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.93 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Lumbar region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.92 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Thoracic region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.91 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Cervical region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
M99.90 Biomechanical lesion, unspecified (Head region)
0.001 0.999 0.000
H04.1 Other disorders of lachrymal gland
0.001 0.999 0.000
O36.7 Maternal care for viable foetus in abdominal pregnancy
0.000 0.999 0.001
O36.2 Maternal care for hydrops foetalis
0.000 0.999 0.001
O36.1 Maternal care for other isoimmunisation
0.000 0.999 0.001
T95.3 Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of lower limb
0.001 0.999 0.000
X45.0 Home
0.001 0.999 0.000
M89.95 Disorder of bone, unspecified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.001 0.999 0.000
C16.2 Body of stomach
0.001 0.999 0.000
G45.3 Amaurosis fugax
0.001 0.999 0.000
J17.0 Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
0.001 0.999 0.000
O24.3 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified
0.001 0.999 0.000
O24.2 Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus
0.001 0.999 0.000
O24.1 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent
0.001 0.999 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.