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log Bayes Factor = 0.303315
Chromosome 9   position 2,978,377  (GRCh37) Explore rs7045640 on Ensembl!
Variant rs7045640 is listed in the   GWAS Catalog  

Hospitalization Episode Statistics (HES)

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Results table
Term Risk
posterior probability
No effect
posterior probability
posterior probability
Chapter XIII Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
0.497 0.503 0.000
M70-M79 Other soft tissue disorders
0.493 0.507 0.000
M79 Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified
0.484 0.516 0.000
M45-M49 Spondylopathies
0.481 0.519 0.000
M79.8 Other specified soft tissue disorders
0.469 0.531 0.000
M20-M25 Other joint disorders
0.466 0.534 0.000
M79.86 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Lower leg)
0.455 0.545 0.000
# Top node
0.452 0.548 0.000
M47 Spondylosis
0.451 0.549 0.000
M20 Acquired deformities of fingers and toes
0.439 0.561 0.000
M72 Fibroblastic disorders
0.436 0.564 0.000
M47.8 Other spondylosis
0.432 0.568 0.000
Chapter XV Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.432 0.568 0.000
M48 Other spondylopathies
0.428 0.572 0.000
M79.6 Pain in limb
0.418 0.582 0.000
Chapter XVIII Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified
0.418 0.582 0.000
R10-R19 Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen
0.410 0.590 0.000
Chapter VI Diseases of the nervous system
0.408 0.592 0.000
M47.86 Other spondylosis (Lumbar region)
0.404 0.596 0.000
M72.0 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]
0.395 0.605 0.000
Chapter X Diseases of the respiratory system
0.395 0.605 0.000
M48.0 Spinal stenosis
0.390 0.609 0.000
M20.5 Other deformities of toe(s) (acquired)
0.388 0.612 0.000
Chapter I Certain infectious and parasitic diseases
0.385 0.615 0.000
M40-M43 Deforming dorsopathies
0.385 0.615 0.000
M20.4 Other hammer toe(s) (acquired)
0.384 0.616 0.000
J30-J39 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
0.383 0.617 0.000
Chapter V Mental and behavioural disorders
0.381 0.619 0.000
M25 Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified
0.381 0.619 0.000
R14 Flatulence and related conditions
0.377 0.623 0.000
M79.87 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Ankle and foot)
0.376 0.624 0.000
O60-O75 Complications of labour and delivery
0.376 0.624 0.000
M86-M90 Other osteopathies
0.368 0.632 0.000
M75 Shoulder lesions
0.368 0.632 0.000
R11 Nausea and vomiting
0.368 0.632 0.000
Chapter XVII Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities
0.367 0.633 0.000
M35 Other systemic involvement of connective tissue
0.366 0.634 0.000
O80-O84 Delivery
0.365 0.635 0.000
M72.04 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Hand
0.365 0.635 0.000
M48.06 Spinal stenosis (Lumbar region)
0.364 0.636 0.000
R40-R46 Symptoms and signs involving cognition, perception, emotional state and behaviour
0.361 0.639 0.000
M47.87 Other spondylosis (Lumbosacral region)
0.359 0.641 0.000
M79.7 Fibromyalgia
0.358 0.642 0.000
Chapter XXII Codes for special purposes
0.356 0.643 0.000
M95-M99 Other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
0.356 0.644 0.000
M91-M94 Chondropathies
0.356 0.644 0.000
M60-M63 Disorders of muscles
0.356 0.644 0.000
M00-M03 Infectious arthropathies
0.356 0.644 0.000
M79.69 Pain in limb (Site unspecified)
0.355 0.645 0.000
O30-O48 Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems
0.355 0.645 0.000
M77 Other enthesopathies
0.354 0.646 0.000
M76 Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot
0.354 0.646 0.000
M73 Soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
0.354 0.646 0.000
M71 Other bursopathies
0.354 0.646 0.000
M70 Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure
0.354 0.646 0.000
J38 Diseases of vocal cords and larynx, not elsewhere classified
0.353 0.647 0.000
M21 Other acquired deformities of limbs
0.352 0.648 0.000
Chapter XIX Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes
0.351 0.649 0.000
M15-M19 Arthrosis
0.350 0.650 0.000
M47.80 Other spondylosis (Multiple sites in spine)
0.349 0.651 0.000
M80-M85 Disorders of bone density and structure
0.349 0.651 0.000
O20-O29 Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy
0.348 0.652 0.000
M79.9 Soft tissue disorder, unspecified
0.347 0.653 0.000
M79.5 Residual foreign body in soft tissue
0.347 0.653 0.000
M79.4 Hypertrophy of (infrapatellar) fat pad
0.347 0.653 0.000
M79.3 Panniculitis, unspecified
0.347 0.653 0.000
M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified
0.347 0.653 0.000
M79.1 Myalgia
0.347 0.653 0.000
M20.1 Hallux valgus (acquired)
0.346 0.654 0.000
Chapter III Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
0.346 0.654 0.000
M49 Spondylopathies in diseases classified elsewhere
0.345 0.655 0.000
M46 Other inflammatory spondylopathies
0.345 0.655 0.000
M45 Ankylosing spondylitis
0.345 0.655 0.000
R13 Dysphagia
0.344 0.656 0.000
M24 Other specific joint derangements
0.343 0.656 0.000
B95-B98 Bacterial, viral and other infectious agents
0.343 0.657 0.000
R12 Heartburn
0.342 0.658 0.000
M25.5 Pain in joint
0.340 0.660 0.000
G40-G47 Episodic and paroxysmal disorders
0.339 0.661 0.000
J95-J99 Other diseases of the respiratory system
0.339 0.661 0.000
M79.66 Pain in limb (Lower leg)
0.338 0.662 0.000
R47-R49 Symptoms and signs involving speech and voice
0.337 0.663 0.000
M79.89 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Site unspecified)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.88 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Other)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.85 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.84 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Hand)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.83 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Forearm)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.82 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Upper arm)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.81 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Shoulder region)
0.336 0.663 0.000
M79.80 Other specified soft tissue disorders (Multiple sites)
0.336 0.663 0.000
R80-R82 Abnormal findings on examination of urine, without diagnosis
0.336 0.664 0.000
F10-F19 Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use
0.336 0.664 0.000
M05-M14 Inflammatory polyarthropathies
0.335 0.665 0.000
M36 Systemic disorders of connective tissue in diseases classified elsewhere
0.334 0.666 0.000
M34 Systemic sclerosis
0.334 0.666 0.000
M33 Dermatopolymyositis
0.334 0.666 0.000
M32 Systemic lupus erythematosus
0.334 0.666 0.000
M31 Other necrotising vasculopathies
0.334 0.666 0.000
M30 Polyarteritis nodosa and related conditions
0.334 0.666 0.000
M22 Disorders of patella
0.334 0.666 0.000
J90-J94 Other diseases of pleura
0.332 0.668 0.000
R41 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness
0.332 0.668 0.000
R16 Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
0.331 0.669 0.000
O10-O16 Oedema, proteinuria and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.331 0.669 0.000
M16 Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip]
0.330 0.670 0.000
O94-O99 Other obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified
0.329 0.671 0.000
R19 Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen
0.326 0.674 0.000
R25-R29 Symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems
0.325 0.675 0.000
Chapter XVI Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
0.324 0.676 0.000
M47.2 Other spondylosis with radiculopathy
0.324 0.676 0.000
M47.1 Other spondylosis with myelopathy
0.324 0.676 0.000
M47.0 Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes
0.324 0.676 0.000
G35-G37 Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system
0.324 0.676 0.000
M65-M68 Disorders of synovium and tendon
0.322 0.677 0.000
G20-G26 Extrapyramidal and movement disorders
0.323 0.677 0.000
M50-M54 Other dorsopathies
0.321 0.679 0.000
J33 Nasal polyp
0.321 0.679 0.000
J38.7 Other diseases of larynx
0.321 0.679 0.000
M79.0 Rheumatism, unspecified
0.320 0.680 0.000
F17 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco
0.320 0.680 0.000
G80-G83 Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes
0.320 0.680 0.000
M16.9 Coxarthrosis, unspecified
0.319 0.681 0.000
M20.6 Acquired deformity of toe(s), unspecified
0.318 0.682 0.000
M79.62 Pain in limb (Upper arm)
0.317 0.683 0.000
Chapter VIII Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
0.316 0.684 0.000
M20.3 Other deformity of hallux (acquired)
0.315 0.685 0.000
M20.0 Deformity of finger(s)
0.315 0.685 0.000
M75.4 Impingement syndrome of shoulder
0.315 0.685 0.000
M72.9 Fibroblastic disorder, unspecified
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.8 Other fibroblastic disorders
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.6 Necrotizing fasciitis
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.5 Fasciitis, not elsewhere classified
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.4 Pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.3 Nodular fasciitis
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.2 Plantar fascial fibromatosis
0.313 0.687 0.000
M72.1 Knuckle pads
0.313 0.687 0.000
R41.0 Disorientation, unspecified
0.310 0.690 0.000
F17.1 Harmful use
0.310 0.690 0.000
M47.89 Other spondylosis (Site unspecified)
0.310 0.690 0.000
M47.88 Other spondylosis (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.310 0.690 0.000
M47.85 Other spondylosis (Thoracolumbar region)
0.310 0.690 0.000
M47.84 Other spondylosis (Thoracic region)
0.310 0.690 0.000
M47.83 Other spondylosis (Cervicothoracic region)
0.310 0.690 0.000
M47.81 Other spondylosis (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.310 0.690 0.000
O85-O92 Complications predominantly related to the puerperium
0.310 0.690 0.000
G30-G32 Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system
0.309 0.691 0.000
M47.9 Spondylosis, unspecified
0.309 0.691 0.000
J34 Other disorders of nose and nasal sinuses
0.309 0.691 0.000
R20-R23 Symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.308 0.692 0.000
M48.9 Spondylopathy, unspecified
0.307 0.693 0.000
M48.8 Other specified spondylopathies
0.307 0.693 0.000
M48.5 Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified
0.307 0.693 0.000
M48.4 Fatigue fracture of vertebra
0.307 0.693 0.000
M48.3 Traumatic spondylopathy
0.307 0.693 0.000
M48.2 Kissing spine
0.307 0.693 0.000
M48.1 Ankylosing hyperostosis [Forestier]
0.307 0.693 0.000
O68 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal stress [distress]
0.307 0.693 0.000
A30-A49 Other bacterial diseases
0.306 0.694 0.000
O80 Single spontaneous delivery
0.305 0.695 0.000
O72 Postpartum haemorrhage
0.305 0.695 0.000
M79.67 Pain in limb (Ankle and foot)
0.304 0.696 0.000
R15 Faecal incontinence
0.304 0.696 0.000
R83-R89 Abnormal findings on examination of other body fluids, substances and tissues, without diagnosis
0.304 0.696 0.000
O64 Obstructed labour due to malposition and malpresentation of foetus
0.302 0.698 0.000
B96 Other bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
0.302 0.698 0.000
M35.3 Polymyalgia rheumatica
0.300 0.699 0.000
Chapter IX Diseases of the circulatory system
0.300 0.700 0.000
M79.68 Pain in limb (Other)
0.300 0.700 0.000
M79.64 Pain in limb (Hand)
0.300 0.700 0.000
M79.63 Pain in limb (Forearm)
0.300 0.700 0.000
M79.61 Pain in limb (Shoulder region)
0.300 0.700 0.000
M79.60 Pain in limb (Multiple sites)
0.300 0.700 0.000
R95-R99 Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality
0.299 0.700 0.000
J98 Other respiratory disorders
0.299 0.701 0.000
B00-B09 Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions
0.298 0.702 0.000
D60-D64 Aplastic and other anaemias
0.296 0.704 0.000
M20.2 Hallux rigidus
0.296 0.704 0.000
J31 Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis
0.296 0.704 0.000
F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders
0.294 0.706 0.000
M25.56 Pain in joint (Lower leg)
0.294 0.706 0.000
G70-G73 Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle
0.292 0.707 0.000
G10-G14 Systemic atrophies primarily affecting the central nervous system
0.292 0.707 0.000
G00-G09 Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
0.292 0.707 0.000
G45 Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes
0.292 0.708 0.000
O66 Other obstructed labour
0.292 0.708 0.000
M43 Other deforming dorsopathies
0.292 0.708 0.000
O26 Maternal care for other conditions predominantly related to pregnancy
0.292 0.708 0.000
G90-G99 Other disorders of the nervous system
0.291 0.708 0.000
M41 Scoliosis
0.291 0.709 0.000
R90-R94 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging and in function studies, without diagnosis
0.290 0.710 0.000
J91 Pleural effusion in conditions classified elsewhere
0.290 0.710 0.000
O36 Maternal care for other known or suspected foetal problems
0.289 0.711 0.000
U00-U49 Provisional assignment of new diseases of uncertain etiology or emergency use
0.288 0.712 0.000
I80-I89 Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified
0.288 0.712 0.000
G60-G64 Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system
0.287 0.712 0.000
M75.3 Calcific tendinitis of shoulder
0.286 0.714 0.000
O75 Other complications of labour and delivery, not elsewhere classified
0.285 0.714 0.000
M47.82 Other spondylosis (Cervical region)
0.285 0.715 0.000
S30-S39 Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine and pelvis
0.285 0.715 0.000
Q38-Q45 Other congenital malformations of the digestive system
0.284 0.716 0.000
O82 Single delivery by Caesarean section
0.283 0.716 0.000
M72.09 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Site unspec
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.08 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Other
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.07 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Ankle/Foot
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.06 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Lower Leg
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.05 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Pelvic/Thigh
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.03 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Forearm
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.02 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Upper arm
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.01 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Shldr region
0.283 0.717 0.000
M72.00 Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren]-Mult sites
0.283 0.717 0.000
J85-J86 Suppurative and necrotic conditions of lower respiratory tract
0.283 0.717 0.000
J80-J84 Other respiratory diseases principally affecting the interstitium
0.283 0.717 0.000
J34.8 Other specified disorders of nose and nasal sinuses
0.282 0.718 0.000
R47 Speech disturbances, not elsewhere classified
0.282 0.718 0.000
F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders
0.281 0.719 0.000
M25.51 Pain in joint (Shoulder region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
O63 Long labour
0.280 0.720 0.000
Q20-Q28 Congenital malformations of the circulatory system
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.09 Spinal stenosis (Site unspecified)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.08 Spinal stenosis (Sacral and sacrococcygeal region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.07 Spinal stenosis (Lumbosacral region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.05 Spinal stenosis (Thoracolumbar region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.04 Spinal stenosis (Thoracic region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.03 Spinal stenosis (Cervicothoracic region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.01 Spinal stenosis (Occipito-atlanto-axial region)
0.280 0.720 0.000
M48.00 Spinal stenosis (Multiple sites in spine)
0.280 0.720 0.000
J39 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
0.280 0.720 0.000
R17 Unspecified jaundice
0.279 0.721 0.000
J32 Chronic sinusitis
0.279 0.721 0.000
S70-S79 Injuries to the hip and thigh
0.278 0.722 0.000
M48.02 Spinal stenosis (Cervical region)
0.278 0.722 0.000
R81 Glycosuria
0.278 0.722 0.000
J35 Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids
0.278 0.722 0.000
Q60-Q64 Congenital malformations of the urinary system
0.276 0.723 0.000
B99-B99 Other infectious diseases
0.276 0.723 0.000
B90-B94 Sequelae of infectious and parasitic diseases
0.276 0.723 0.000
B85-B89 Pediculosis, acariasis and other infestations
0.276 0.723 0.000
B65-B83 Helminthiases
0.276 0.723 0.000
B50-B64 Protozoal diseases
0.276 0.723 0.000
B20-B24 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
0.276 0.723 0.000
B15-B19 Viral hepatitis
0.276 0.723 0.000
A92-A99 Arthropod-borne viral fevers and viral haemorrhagic fevers
0.276 0.723 0.000
A80-A89 Viral infections of the central nervous system
0.276 0.723 0.000
A75-A79 Rickettsioses
0.276 0.723 0.000
A70-A74 Other diseases caused by chlamydiae
0.276 0.723 0.000
A65-A69 Other spirochaetal diseases
0.276 0.723 0.000
A50-A64 Infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmission
0.276 0.723 0.000
A20-A28 Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases
0.276 0.723 0.000
A15-A19 Tuberculosis
0.276 0.723 0.000
M89 Other disorders of bone
0.276 0.724 0.000
M42 Spinal osteochondrosis
0.276 0.724 0.000
M40 Kyphosis and lordosis
0.276 0.724 0.000
B95 Streptococcus and staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
0.275 0.725 0.000
J33.0 Polyp of nasal cavity
0.275 0.725 0.000
J38.3 Other diseases of vocal cords
0.275 0.725 0.000
J37 Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis
0.274 0.725 0.000
J36 Peritonsillar abscess
0.274 0.725 0.000
O46 Antepartum haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
0.274 0.726 0.000
M25.53 Pain in joint (Forearm)
0.274 0.726 0.000
I84 Haemorrhoids
0.274 0.726 0.000
F99-F99 Unspecified mental disorder
0.273 0.726 0.000
F90-F98 Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
0.273 0.726 0.000
F80-F89 Disorders of psychological development
0.273 0.726 0.000
F70-F79 Mental retardation
0.273 0.726 0.000
F60-F69 Disorders of adult personality and behaviour
0.273 0.726 0.000
F50-F59 Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors
0.273 0.726 0.000
F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
0.273 0.726 0.000
M25.9 Joint disorder, unspecified
0.273 0.727 0.000
M25.8 Other specified joint disorders
0.273 0.727 0.000
M25.6 Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified
0.273 0.727 0.000
M25.3 Other instability of joint
0.273 0.727 0.000
M25.2 Flail joint
0.273 0.727 0.000
M25.1 Fistula of joint
0.273 0.727 0.000
M25.0 Haemarthrosis
0.273 0.727 0.000
O47 False labour
0.273 0.727 0.000
S60-S69 Injuries to the wrist and hand
0.272 0.728 0.000
R22 Localised swelling, mass and lump of skin and subcutaneous tissue
0.272 0.728 0.000
R40 Somnolence, stupor and coma
0.271 0.729 0.000
M21.3 Wrist or foot drop (acquired)
0.270 0.730 0.000
O74 Complications of anaesthesia during labour and delivery
0.269 0.731 0.000
O73 Retained placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage
0.269 0.731 0.000
O71 Other obstetric trauma
0.269 0.731 0.000
O69 Labour and delivery complicated by umbilical cord complications
0.269 0.731 0.000
O67 Labour and delivery complicated by intrapartum haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified
0.269 0.731 0.000
O65 Obstructed labour due to maternal pelvic abnormality
0.269 0.731 0.000
O62 Abnormalities of forces of labour
0.269 0.731 0.000
O61 Failed induction of labour
0.269 0.731 0.000
O60 Preterm delivery
0.269 0.731 0.000
M79.79 Fibromyalgia (Site unspecified)
0.268 0.731 0.000
R19.5 Other fecal abnormalities
0.268 0.732 0.000
I60-I69 Cerebrovascular diseases
0.268 0.732 0.000
T80-T88 Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified
0.268 0.732 0.000
J38.1 Polyp of vocal cord and larynx
0.267 0.732 0.000
J60-J70 Lung diseases due to external agents
0.266 0.733 0.000
M11 Other crystal arthropathies
0.266 0.734 0.000
D65-D69 Coagulation defects, purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions
0.265 0.735 0.000
M80 Osteoporosis with pathological fracture
0.265 0.735 0.000
M90 Osteopathies in diseases classified elsewhere
0.264 0.736 0.000
M88 Paget's disease of bone [osteitis deformans]
0.264 0.736 0.000
M87 Osteonecrosis
0.264 0.736 0.000
M86 Osteomyelitis
0.264 0.736 0.000
G50-G59 Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders
0.264 0.736 0.000
R16.0 Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified
0.264 0.736 0.000
M75.8 Other shoulder lesions
0.264 0.736 0.000
M75.9 Shoulder lesion, unspecified
0.264 0.736 0.000
M75.2 Bicipital tendinitis
0.264 0.736 0.000
J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis
0.264 0.736 0.000
Q90-Q99 Chromosomal abnormalities, not elsewhere classified
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q80-Q89 Other congenital malformations
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q65-Q79 Congenital malformations and deformations of the musculoskeletal system
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q50-Q56 Congenital malformations of genital organs
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q35-Q37 Cleft lip and cleft palate
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q30-Q34 Congenital malformations of the respiratory system
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q10-Q18 Congenital malformations of eye, ear, face and neck
0.263 0.737 0.000
Q00-Q07 Congenital malformations of the nervous system
0.263 0.737 0.000
J00-J06 Acute upper respiratory infections
0.263 0.737 0.000
O48 Prolonged pregnancy
0.263 0.737 0.000
M35.9 Systemic involvement of connective tissue, unspecified
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.8 Other specified systemic involvement of connective tissue
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.7 Hypermobility syndrome
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.6 Relapsing panniculitis [Weber-Christian]
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.5 Multifocal fibrosclerosis
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.4 Diffuse (eosinophilic) fasciitis
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.2 Behcet's disease
0.262 0.737 0.000
M35.1 Other overlap syndromes
0.262 0.737 0.000
O84 Multiple delivery
0.262 0.738 0.000
O83 Other assisted single delivery
0.262 0.738 0.000
O81 Single delivery by forceps and vacuum extractor
0.262 0.738 0.000
G20 Parkinson's disease
0.262 0.738 0.000
O68.9 Labour and delivery complicated by foetal stress, unspecified
0.261 0.738 0.000
S20-S29 Injuries to the thorax
0.261 0.739 0.000
B96.1 Klebsiella pneumoniae [K. pneumoniae] as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters
0.261 0.739 0.000
M25.7 Osteophyte
0.260 0.740 0.000
M79.65 Pain in limb (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.260 0.740 0.000
A00-A09 Intestinal infectious diseases
0.260 0.740 0.000
J33.8 Other polyp of sinus
0.260 0.740 0.000
R46 Symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour
0.259 0.741 0.000
R45 Symptoms and signs involving emotional state
0.259 0.741 0.000
R44 Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions
0.259 0.741 0.000
R43 Disturbances of smell and taste
0.259 0.741 0.000
R29 Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems
0.259 0.741 0.000
J90 Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified
0.258 0.742 0.000
T15-T19 Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice
0.258 0.742 0.000
D63 Anaemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere
0.257 0.742 0.000
O72.0 Third-stage haemorrhage
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.78 Fibromyalgia (Other)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.77 Fibromyalgia (Ankle and foot)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.76 Fibromyalgia (Lower leg)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.75 Fibromyalgia (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.74 Fibromyalgia (Hand)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.73 Fibromyalgia (Forearm)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.72 Fibromyalgia (Upper arm)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.71 Fibromyalgia (Shoulder region)
0.257 0.743 0.000
M79.70 Fibromyalgia (Multiple sites)
0.257 0.743 0.000
T66-T78 Other and unspecified effects of external causes
0.257 0.743 0.000
T36-T50 Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substances
0.256 0.743 0.000
G81 Hemiplegia
0.256 0.744 0.000
O99 Other maternal diseases classifiable elsewhere but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
0.256 0.744 0.000
U82-U85 Resistance to antimicrobial and antineoplastic drugs
0.256 0.744 0.000
M03 Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere
0.256 0.744 0.000
M02 Reactive arthropathies
0.256 0.744 0.000
M01 Direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
0.256 0.744 0.000
M00 Pyogenic arthritis
0.256 0.744 0.000
M63 Disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere
0.256 0.744 0.000
M62 Other disorders of muscle
0.256 0.744 0.000
M61 Calcification and ossification of muscle
0.256 0.744 0.000
M60 Myositis
0.256 0.744 0.000
M94 Other disorders of cartilage
0.256 0.744 0.000
M93 Other osteochondropathies
0.256 0.744 0.000
M92 Other juvenile osteochondrosis
0.256 0.744 0.000
M91 Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis
0.256 0.744 0.000
M99 Biomechanical lesions, not elsewhere classified
0.256 0.744 0.000
M96 Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders, not elsewhere classified
0.256 0.744 0.000
M95 Other acquired deformities of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
0.256 0.744 0.000
M24.1 Other articular cartilage disorders
0.255 0.744 0.000
R19.8 Other specified symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen
0.255 0.745 0.000
O80.0 Spontaneous vertex delivery
0.255 0.745 0.000
G43 Migraine
0.254 0.745 0.000
O45 Premature separation of placenta [abruptio placentae]
0.254 0.746 0.000
O44 Placenta praevia
0.254 0.746 0.000
O43 Placental disorders
0.254 0.746 0.000
O41 Other disorders of amniotic fluid and membranes
0.254 0.746 0.000
O35 Maternal care for known or suspected foetal abnormality and damage
0.254 0.746 0.000
O33 Maternal care for known or suspected disproportion
0.254 0.746 0.000
O31 Complications specific to multiple gestation
0.254 0.746 0.000
O30 Multiple gestation
0.254 0.746 0.000
O40 Polyhydramnios
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.9 Unspecified soft tissue disorder related to use, overuse and pressure
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.8 Other soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.7 Other bursitis of hip
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.6 Trochanteric bursitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.5 Other bursitis of knee
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.4 Prepatellar bursitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.3 Other bursitis of elbow
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.2 Olecranon bursitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.1 Bursitis of hand
0.254 0.746 0.000
M70.0 Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.9 Bursopathy, unspecified
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.8 Other specified bursopathies
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.5 Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.4 Calcium deposit in bursa
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.3 Other bursal cyst
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.2 Synovial cyst of popliteal space [Baker]
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.1 Other infective bursitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M71.0 Abscess of bursa
0.254 0.746 0.000
M73.8 Other soft tissue disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
0.254 0.746 0.000
M73.1 Syphilitic bursitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M73.0 Gonococcal bursitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.9 Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.8 Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.7 Peroneal tendinitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.6 Achilles tendinitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.5 Patellar tendinitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.4 Tibial collateral bursitis [Pellegrini-Stieda]
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.3 Iliotibial band syndrome
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.2 Iliac crest spur
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.1 Psoas tendinitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M76.0 Gluteal tendinitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.9 Enthesopathy, unspecified
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.8 Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.5 Other enthesopathy of foot
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.4 Metatarsalgia
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.3 Calcaneal spur
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.2 Periarthritis of wrist
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.1 Lateral epicondylitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
M77.0 Medial epicondylitis
0.254 0.746 0.000
O16 Unspecified maternal hypertension
0.254 0.746 0.000
M25.57 Pain in joint (Ankle and foot)
0.253 0.747 0.000
J38.6 Stenosis of larynx
0.253 0.747 0.000
J38.5 Laryngeal spasm
0.253 0.747 0.000
J38.4 Oedema of larynx
0.253 0.747 0.000
J38.2 Nodules of vocal cords
0.253 0.747 0.000
J38.0 Paralysis of vocal cords and larynx
0.253 0.747 0.000
J98.1 Pulmonary collapse
0.253 0.747 0.000
M35.0 Sicca syndrome [Sjogren]
0.253 0.747 0.000
M21.9 Acquired deformity of limb, unspecified
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.8 Other specified acquired deformities of limbs
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.7 Unequal limb length (acquired)
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.6 Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.5 Acquired clawhand, clubhand, clawfoot and clubfoot
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.4 Flat foot [pes planus] (acquired)
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.2 Flexion deformity
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.1 Varus deformity, not elsewhere classified
0.252 0.748 0.000
M21.0 Valgus deformity, not elsewhere classified
0.252 0.748 0.000
M10 Gout
0.252 0.748 0.000
R16.1 Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
0.252 0.748 0.000
T90-T98 Sequelae of injuries, of poisoning and of other consequences of external causes
0.252 0.748 0.000
T79-T79 Certain early complications of trauma
0.252 0.748 0.000
T33-T35 Frostbite
0.252 0.748 0.000
T29-T32 Burns and corrosions of multiple and unspecified body regions
0.252 0.748 0.000
T26-T28 Burns and corrosions confined to eye and internal organs
0.252 0.748 0.000
T20-T25 Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site
0.252 0.748 0.000
T08-T14 Injuries to unspecified part of trunk, limb or body region
0.252 0.748 0.000
T00-T07 Injuries involving multiple body regions
0.252 0.748 0.000
S90-S99 Injuries to the ankle and foot
0.252 0.748 0.000
S10-S19 Injuries to the neck
0.252 0.748 0.000
R41.8 Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness
0.251 0.749 0.000
O42 Premature rupture of membranes
0.251 0.749 0.000
Chapter XI Diseases of the digestive system
0.251 0.749 0.000
R27 Other lack of coordination
0.251 0.749 0.000
H65-H75 Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
0.251 0.749 0.000
R70-R79 Abnormal findings on examination of blood, without diagnosis
0.251 0.749 0.000
M15 Polyarthrosis
0.251 0.749 0.000
G37 Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system
0.250 0.749 0.000
M85 Other disorders of bone density and structure
0.250 0.750 0.000
M84 Disorders of continuity of bone
0.250 0.750 0.000
M83 Adult osteomalacia
0.250 0.750 0.000
M82 Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere
0.250 0.750 0.000
R18 Ascites
0.250 0.750 0.000
M75.1 Rotator cuff syndrome
0.250 0.750 0.000
O29 Complications of anaesthesia during pregnancy
0.249 0.750 0.000
O28 Abnormal findings on antenatal screening of mother
0.249 0.750 0.000
O24 Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
0.249 0.750 0.000
O23 Infections of genito-urinary tract in pregnancy
0.249 0.750 0.000
O22 Venous complications in pregnancy
0.249 0.750 0.000
O21 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
0.249 0.750 0.000
O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy
0.249 0.750 0.000
D80-D89 Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
0.249 0.751 0.000
S80-S89 Injuries to the knee and lower leg
0.249 0.751 0.000
O64.0 Obstructed labour due to incomplete rotation of foetal head
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.19 Myalgia (Site unspecified)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.18 Myalgia (Other)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.17 Myalgia (Ankle and foot)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.16 Myalgia (Lower leg)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.15 Myalgia (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.14 Myalgia (Hand)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.13 Myalgia (Forearm)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.12 Myalgia (Upper arm)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.11 Myalgia (Shoulder region)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.10 Myalgia (Multiple sites)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.29 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Site unspecified)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.28 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Other)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.27 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Ankle and foot)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.26 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Lower leg)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.25 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Pelvic region and thigh)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.24 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Hand)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.23 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Forearm)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.22 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Upper arm)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.21 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Shoulder region)
0.249 0.751 0.000
M79.20 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified (Multiple sites)
0.249 0.751 0.000

This table lists the top 500 terms ordered by p(effect).

The full results table can be downloaded from this page.